Enable Automatic Layout of a Report Section

Applying an automatic layout to a report section lets you quickly arrange the section’s contents for better viewing.

When applying an automatic layout, the report section’s charts, images, and text fields are placed in an invisible table structure, with the items placed in rows and columns. You can adjust the sizing of the rows and columns to arrange the images and text fields exactly like you want them.
  1. Add the report section you want to the report output level.
    • To add the report header or footer sections, click the Display tab and select the Report Header or Report Footer check box.
    • To add the page header or footer sections, click the Page Setup tab and select the Page Header or Page Footer check box.
  2. Click the report section on the design surface to select it.
  3. Click the Options tab and click Automatic.
  4. To prevent the section’s height from being automatically adjusted to fit the items you add to the section, click Auto Height.
    Tip: When Auto Height is disabled, you can manually change the height of the section by dragging the section’s horizontal borders up or down, just as you would if the section had a manual layout.