Export a Workflow

If you have a workflow that you want to copy to another interface, you can export the workflow and then import it on the other interface.

Exported workflows contain all included workspaces (with all elements, fields, controls, layout, and rules), decisions, actions, and other embedded workflows. Alternately, you can export the contents of your canvas as an image file for use as a visual reference.
  1. On the Workspaces/Workflows explorer, right-click the workflow you want to export and select Open.
    The workflow opens.
  2. Click File and select Export > Export Definition. The Export Workflow window opens.
    Note: You can also export an image of the canvas to your workstation by selecting Export followed by Export Image.
  3. If the workflow contains embedded workspaces, scripts, or nested workflows, select the Export Workflow Definition Only option to export the workflow definition only. By default, the workflow definition is exported along with any contained workspaces, scripts, and workflows.
  4. Click OK.
    The Save As window opens.
  5. Select the location where you want to save the workflow definition file and enter the file name.
  6. Click Save.
    Workflow definition files are saved with a hash value that is used when the file is imported to determine if the file has been modified externally. If the file has been modified, it will not be available for importing and an error message will notify you that the file is invalid.