Import Custom Objects

After exporting custom objects from a test site, you can then import them into your production site.

  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Database, and then double-click Object Designer.
  3. Click Import.
  4. Enter the path and file name of the file to import.
  5. Click Next.

    If you import objects with the same package and object names as existing objects on the site, you can either merge the imported objects with the existing ones or create new objects with different names. If you decide to merge the objects instead, the existing object is updated to include additional fields that are in the imported object. No changes are made to fields in the existing object that are not in the imported object.

    Note: Menu-only objects and system attributes cannot be merged. When these are imported into a site that has matching items with the same names, the imported custom objects will automatically be given new names.
  6. Select options for the imported objects.
    1. To create a new custom object instead of merging a custom object, click merged into the existing custom object > imported as a new custom object. A default name for the new object displays next to the drop-down list. Click the default name and enter a new name in the text box to define a different name.
    2. To prevent a custom object from being imported, clear the check box. To clear the check boxes next to all custom objects, click Unselect All.

    If you clear the check boxes next to objects with a parent-child relationship and then add the child object back to the import, the parent objects check boxes are selected automatically. This ensures that all objects required for a relationship are included in the import. You can then clear the check boxes next to the parent objects if you do not want to import them.

  7. Click Finish.
  8. To import additional objects, which you may need to do if importing more than twenty-five objects, repeat these steps.
  9. To deploy the imported objects on your site, click Deploy.