Import the Process Model

You can import process models, for example, into your production site.

Before you deploy a process model on your production site, we recommend that you first test it on a test site that is similar to your production site. This helps ensure that the object event handlers function as expected and interact with the B2C Service data in the way you want. After verifying that the process model is configured correctly on the test site, you can export it from the test site and then import it into your production site.
  1. Click Configuration on the navigation pane.
  2. Expand Site Configuration, then double-click Process Designer.
    The process designer opens on the content pane.
  3. Click Import on the ribbon.
    The Import Process Model Wizard opens.
    Note: When exporting and importing the process model, you choose which object event handlers to include and exclude. Since you cannot save more than fifty object event handlers (with unsaved content) at one time, the maximum number of object event handlers that can be imported at one time is fifty.
  4. Click the Browse icon to select the .zip file that contains the process model you want to import.
  5. Click Next.
    If you import an object event handler with the same name as an existing event handler, you can either replace (overwrite) the imported event handler or import it as a new event handler with the number “1” appended to its name.
    The next page of the wizard shows you the object event handlers that can be imported.
  6. Select the check boxes next to the object event handlers that you want to import.
  7. Select options for the imported object event handlers.
    1. To create a new object event handler, click the arrow next to the text that reads replace event handler and select imported as a new event handler.
    2. To prevent an object event handler from being imported, clear the check box next to it.
  8. To import object event handler mappings, select Import Event Handler Mappings.
  9. Click Next to complete the import.
    A message informs you that the import was successful.
  10. Click OK to close the message and the wizard.
  11. To deploy the imported process model on your site, click Deploy on the ribbon. See Deploy the Process Model.
  12. Click X on the console to close the process designer.