Insert a Text Merge Field

Merge fields let you look up account, asset, contact, incident, opportunity, organization, community, or tracked link information and insert it in the text. When you insert a text merge field, you insert the text from part of the record, such as a contact email address.

  1. Click Merge Field in the Dynamic Content section of the Toolbox.
    The Merge Field window opens.
  2. Click the Type drop-down list and select Text.
    1. Enter field information and values.

      Text Merge Field Window

      Field/Option Description

      *Merge Fields

      Select a database column from this list.


      Enter the default value of the merge field in this field. The default value is used if a value does not exist for the field in a contact record or incident. If you want to include the field only when a value exists, put the merge field in a conditional section.

      This field is unavailable when adding merge fields to a URL parameter.


      Click this drop-down list to select the format. The options that display are dynamic based on the type of merge field you select.

      This field is not available when adding merge fields to a URL parameter.


      Enter a label that displays next to the merge field in this field.

      This field is unavailable when adding merge fields to a URL parameter.

      Limit Text To

      Select this check box to truncate the text that displays as a result of a text-based merge field.

      For fields that are not text-based, such as date fields, this check box does not display. This field is set to 2500 characters, by default, on the Body merge field that displays in the template. Social and discussion message templates are located under the Discussion category of the Contact Emails message type.


      Enter the number of characters you want to allow in text-based merge fields. This truncates the text that is sent in email messages.

      This field is available only if the Limit Text To check box is selected. For fields that are not text-based, such as date fields, this field does not display. This field is set to 2500 characters, by default, on the Body merge field that displays in the template. Social and discussion message templates are located under the Discussion category of the Contact Emails message type.

      Use Ellipsis

      Clear this check box to remove the ellipsis (...) from the end of the truncated characters if the text exceeds the set character limit. This check box is selected by default.

      This check box is available only if the Limit Text To check box is selected. For fields that are not text-based, such as date fields, this field does not display.

    2. Click OK.
  3. Click Save.
    Tip: You can apply style and class attributes by right-clicking an element after you add it to the canvas. See Edit Style and Class.