Insert a Table

You can insert a table in your HTML and define the number of rows and columns, its border properties, cell padding, and cell spacing.

  1. Click Table in the HTML section of the Toolbox.
    The Insert Table window opens.
  2. To insert a table from the Quick tab, hover over and click on the grid to define the number of rows and columns in the table.
    The table is inserted into your document.
  3. To insert a table from the Advanced tab, click the Advanced tab.
    1. Enter field information.

      Advanced Tab

      Field Description


      Define the size of the table in this section.


      Enter the number of rows in the table.


      Enter the number of columns in the table.

      Table Width

      Enter the width of the table and select pixels or percent from the drop-down list.


      Define the table attributes in this section.


      Enter the width, in pixels, of the table border.

      Cell Padding

      Enter the padding, in pixels, of the table cells.

      Cell Spacing

      Enter the spacing, in pixels, of the table cells.

    2. Click OK to insert the table.
  4. To edit the table properties, right-click the table and select Table Editor > Table Properties. The Table Editor window opens.
    1. Enter field information.

      Table Editor Window

      Field Description

      Caption Properties

      Define the table caption in this section.


      Enter the caption of the table.


      Click this drop-down list and select the alignment of the caption. Your choices are Inline, Left, Centered, and Right. The default alignment is Inline.


      Click this drop-down list and select the location of the caption in relation to the table. Your choices are Top and Bottom.

      Table Properties

      Define the table attributes in this section.


      Enter the width, in pixels, of the table border.


      Click this drop-down list and select the alignment of the table on the page. Your choices are Inline, Left, Centered, and Right. The default alignment is Inline.


      Enter the width of the table and select the unit from the options (Pixels or Percentage).

      Background Color

      Click the color box to select a color for the table background or enter the HTML hexadecimal value of the color in the field to the right of the color box.

      Border Color

      Click the color box to select a color for the table borders or enter the HTML hexadecimal value of the color in the field to the right of the color box.

      Cell Properties

      Define the table attributes in this section.

      Cell Spacing

      Enter the spacing, in pixels, of the table cells.

      Cell Padding

      Enter the padding, in pixels, of the table cells.

    2. Click OK.
    Tip: A list of additional options for adding and removing rows and columns are available by right-clicking the table and selecting Table Editor.
  5. To edit cell properties, right-click the table cell and select Table Editor > Cell Properties. The Cell Properties window opens.
    1. Enter field information.

      Cell Properties Window

      Field Description
      Border Properties Define the cell border properties in this section.


      Enter the width of the cell border in pixels.

      Border Color

      Click the color box to select a color for the cell borders or enter the HTML hexadecimal value of the color in the field to the right of the color box.

      Layout Define the cell layout in this section.


      Enter the width of the cell in pixels or as a percentage of the table and select the corresponding unit from the drop-down list.

      Horizontal Alignment

      Click this drop-down list and select the horizontal alignment of the text in the cell. Your choices are Inline, Left, Centered, Right, and Justify. The default alignment is Inline.

      Vertical Alignment

      Click this drop-down list and select the vertical alignment of the text in the cell. Your choices are Top, Middle, Bottom, and Baseline.

      Background Color

      Click the color box to select a color for the cell background or enter the HTML hexadecimal value of the color in the field to the right of the color box.

      Word Wrap

      Select this check box to allow text to wrap in the cell.

    2. Click OK.
      Tip: Additional options for inserting, merging, splitting, and deleting cells are available by right-clicking the table and selecting Table Editor.