Set Campaign Details

The campaign details settings let you assign a campaign to a staff member, set start and end dates, and define campaign objectives. After a campaign is launched, this section also displays a report listing opportunities generated by the campaign.

  1. Click Details on the Home tab.
    The campaign details display on the content pane.
  2. To assign the campaign to another staff member (by default, the campaign is assigned to the staff member who creates it), click the Assigned drop-down list and select the staff member.
    1. To search for a staff member, enter the staff member’s name in the Find field.
    Tip: Wildcards are supported when searching staff members. You can search strings that include a space by entering %+Space+character, which is helpful when searching last names. For example, entering %+Space+b returns all last names starting with the letter b. There is also an implied wildcard when searching, so entering b in the Find field returns all items containing the letter b.
  3. Click the calendar next to the Start Date field to select the date the campaign is scheduled to start.
  4. Click the calendar next to the End Date field to select the date the campaign is scheduled to end.
    Note: The Start Date and End Date fields are for planning purposes only. They do not affect campaign launch or suspend dates. See Launch or Suspend a Campaign.
  5. Enter a description of your campaign objectives in the Objectives Summary text box.
    You can use the settings in the Objectives section to track key attributes of the campaign, such as its budget, its expected cost, and the number of leads the campaign is expected to generate. When you know the actual cost and sales of your campaign, you can enter those figures as well, and the system uses them to calculate cost per lead, cost per opportunity, net profit, and return on investment (ROI).
  6. Enter field information.

    Objectives Fields

    Field Description


    Enter the amount budgeted for the campaign, select the currency used, and click the Exchange Rates icon to select the exchange period.

    Expected Cost

    Enter the expected cost of the campaign, select the currency used, and click the Exchange Rates icon to select the exchange period. When the campaign ends, enter the actual cost of the campaign.

    Actual Cost

    Expected Sales

    Enter the expected amount of sales resulting from the campaign, select the currency used, and click the Exchange Rates icon to select the exchange period. When the campaign ends, enter the actual amount of sales resulting from the campaign.

    Actual Sales

    Expected Leads

    Enter the number of leads expected to be generated from the campaign.

    Actual Leads

    This field displays the actual number of leads generated from the campaign through the Lead element.

    Expected Opportunities

    Enter the number of opportunities expected to be generated from the campaign.

    Actual Opportunities

    This field displays the actual number of opportunities generated from the campaign through the Opportunity element.

    Expected Cost Per Lead

    These fields display the expected cost per lead, and when the campaign ends, the actual cost per lead. The values are calculated by dividing the expected cost by the expected leads.

    Actual Cost Per Lead

    Expected Cost Per Opportunity

    These fields display the expected cost per opportunity, and when the campaign ends, the actual cost per opportunity. The values are calculated by dividing the expected cost by the expected opportunities.

    Actual Cost Per Opportunity

    Expected Net Profit

    These fields display the expected net profit, and when the campaign ends, the actual net profit. The values are calculated by subtracting the expected cost from the expected sales.

    Actual Net Profit

    Expected ROI

    These fields display the expected return on investment, and when the campaign ends, the actual return on investment. The values are the percentage difference between the expected cost and expected sales.

    Actual ROI

  7. To view data associated with campaign objectives, you can view the Opportunities by Stage report found below the objectives section. For information about this report, click the Options drop-down list and select View Definition.
  8. Click Save.