Perform a Basic Search for an Archived Incident

You can search for archived incidents. No incidents display until you perform a search.

  1. Click Search on the Archived Incidents component.
    The Search window opens.
  2. Enter search terms.

    Search Window

    Field/Button Description
    Reference Number Enter the reference number of the incident in this text box.
    Text Search Enter a word or phrase in this text box to search all archived incident fields. Because archived incidents have been removed from the knowledge base and converted to a text format, you can only search for incidents with a single text search. Searchable incident fields include Subject, Incident thread, Product (including subproducts), Category (including subcategories), contact-related fields, organization-related fields, incident custom fields, and incident custom attributes.

    A Boolean OR operator is used between words by default. In addition, there is an implicit wildcard at the end of the search string.

    Advanced Search Click this link to access Advanced Search options.
    Order By Click this drop-down list to select a sort order.
  3. Click Search.