Preview a Workspace

When you are editing a workspace, it can be helpful to preview the workspace to see what it will look like when staff members use it. This can help you assess whether it meets your needs or if it needs further changes.

The preview feature displays the workspace as it will appear to any staff member who has the same set of administration permissions as you have. To view the workspace as it will appear to a staff member with different permissions, you must log in using a staff account with the same profile as the staff member.
Note: As in production, previewed reports used on report controls or relationship items automatically attempt to filter on the record shown using the workspace to display information related to the record. For this reason, you should make sure that each report contains at least one filter for the primary identification types for the workspace type. For example, reports used in incident workspaces should filter on incident (i_id), contact (c_id), or organization (org_id). If such a filter does not exist, the previewed report could return all records.
  1. Do one of the following:
    • While editing a workspace, click the Home tab.

    • Right-click a workspace on the Workspaces explorer and select Open.

  2. To view the workspace as it will appear to staff members when they add records using this workspace on the agent desktop, click Preview and select Agent Desktop New.
    A preview of the new record opens.
  3. To view the workspace as it will appear on the agent desktop with data from a specific record, click Preview and select Agent Desktop Existing.
    1. Enter the record ID number.
    2. Click OK.
      The record preview opens.
  4. To view the workspace as it will appear to staff members when they add records using this workspace on the Agent Browser UI, click Preview and select Agent Browser UI.
    The Preview in Agent Browser UI window opens.
    1. To view a new record, click Preview.
      You can also click Copy URL to Clipboard, and then paste the URL in a web browser.
      A preview of the new record opens on the Agent Browser UI.
    2. To view the workspace as it will appear with data from a specific record, enter the incident ID or reference number and click Preview.
      You can also click Copy URL to Clipboard, and then paste the URL in a web browser.
    3. Click X.
    Note: If you are not already logged in to the Agent Browser UI, you will be prompted to log in before the preview opens on the Agent Browser UI.
  5. To view a chat workspace as it will appear with data from a specific chat session, click Preview.
    1. Enter the chat session ID. (Chat session IDs can be found on the tab of an agent’s active chat session as well as the All Chats report.)
    2. Click OK.
      The chat preview opens.
  6. Click X on the top right or press Esc.

    When you click Preview on a multi-edit workspace, the workspace displays without any record data. You cannot enter a reference or ID number to view existing data as you can when you select Opening a Record on a single-record workspace.