Save a Custom Report

The final step in creating the report is to save it to a location where the report’s audience can access it. After you save the report, your staff members can open it, assuming they have permission to do so.

  1. Click the arrow next to Save on the Quick Access toolbar and select Save and Close. The Save As window opens where you specify the name of the report and where you want it saved.
  2. Select the Public Reports folder or a custom subfolder beneath it. Reports that are saved in the My Reports folder are accessible only by you.
    1. To create a custom subfolder, right-click Public Reports, select New Folder, and enter the name you want for the folder.
  3. Enter the name for the report in the Name field. The name can be up to eighty characters long.
  4. Click OK.


Your staff members can now access the report from the Reports explorer or you can add the report to their navigation sets. You can edit the report whenever you want to add more columns, filters, or output levels. You can also add advanced functionality such as column calculations, variables, inline editing, and other options. If you want to show the information in the report to a wider audience, you can also change the report’s layout and add charts, text fields, and images.

If you have problems when you try to run a custom report, you can examine it using the report analyzer. This helps you determine the cause of the problem, such as the report querying tables that it does not need, or lacking filters to reduce the amount of data being read.