Search for Analytics Items

You can search for reports, styles, images, or other types of items specific to the explorer you’re using.

For instance, you can search for reports and dashboards from the Reports Explorer and text fields from the Text Fields Explorer.
Note: You can use the Quick Search feature to search for a specific file or record no matter where you're in the product. See Overview of Quick Search.
This procedure describes how to search for reports from the Reports explorer. However, the basic procedure is the same for all explorers—only the columns available for searching change between explorers.
  1. Click Analytics on the navigation pane and then double-click Reports Explorer.
  2. Click Find. The left side of the content pane displays a menu, hiding the folders tree.
    Note: All of the Analytics explorers include a ribbon for working with items shown in the explorers.
  3. Enter field information.

    Reports Explorer Find Menu

    Field Description

    Find Using

    Click this drop-down list to select a column in the reports list to search on. You can search by the report’s name, ID number, dates created or updated, the report’s initial run (opening report without prompting for search parameters) status, or the refresh on edit status. Each column is associated with one of three data types which determine the available search options:
    • Strings—Search for strings that start with, contain, end with, or match the value you enter in the text box.
    • Dates—Search for dates before, on, or after today’s date. You can also click the calendar to display the current month’s calendar and select another day, or click the arrows at the top of the calendar to change months.
    • Integers—Search for values that are less than, equal to, or greater than a number.

    Search text box

    Type your search text in this field.

    Case Sensitive

    When searching a string column, select this check box if you want to match the case.

    Show Advanced Options

    Click Show Advanced Options to display additional search options.

    Search globally, replace results

    Select this option to remove the results from the previous search and replace them with results from this search.

    This is the default option.

    Search globally, append to results

    Select this option to keep results from the previous search and add results to them from this search.

    Search within results, replace results

    Select this option to search the current search results and keep only those results that match the new search.

    Return Non-matching Items

    Select this check box to return all reports that do not match your search criteria.

  4. Click Find.
    The search results display on the right pane. A message displays if no results are found.
  5. To remove the text entered for the previous search, click Clear on the Find menu.
  6. To replace the search results with the original reports list, click Refresh.
  7. To remove the Find menu and display the folders list, click Folders.