Specify Fields to Link Tables

In a report, you can link tables together in the database using more than one field.

  1. Add a column or filter to the report from a table that can be linked in more than one way to the other tables in the report.
    The Select Join window opens.
  2. To accept the default table relationship that's displayed, click OK.
  3. To define which tables should be linked, select the option next to the table that the new table should join to.
    1. If the new table can link to the selected table by more than one field, select the correct field from the drop-down list that displays next to the table’s option.

      The field you join the new table to should be associated with the information you want to output in the report. For example, if you’re joining the accounts table to the incidents table, select the incidents.created_by => accounts.acct_id option to output information about the staff member who originally created the incident. If you instead want to output information about the staff member the incident is assigned to, select the incidents.assgn_acct_id => accounts.acct_id option.

  4. To prevent the Select Join window from displaying again when editing the current report, select the Do Not Show This Dialog Again check box. If you then add another field that requires defining a table relationship, you need to define the relationship from the Data Set window. See Change Table Joins and Linked Fields.
  5. If you do not want to define a table relationship, click Cancel.
    If you click the Cancel button, the field you added is still added to the report output, and the new table is added to the report as another primary table. However, there will not be a relationship between this table and the other tables in the report until you manually define the relationship from the Data Set window. You will not be able to save the report until you define this relationship. See How to Change Table Relationships.
  6. Click OK.