Sort the Staff Accounts in a Group

You can change the ordering of groups displayed in group lists or of staff accounts displayed in groups, such as in report filters.

  1. Open a staff account in the group you want to sort.
  2. Click Department on the ribbon.
    All staff members in the account’s group display in the Staff in Group list. See Organize Staff Members by Manager for information about the Departments editor.
  3. Click Sort above the Staff in Group list.
    1. Select the option next to the sort option you want to use.
      • Sort by First Name, Last Name—Select this option to sort the accounts in the group by first name, starting with first names beginning with A.
      • Sort by First Name, Last Name (reversed)—Select this option to sort the accounts in the group by first name, starting with first names beginning with Z.
      • Sort by Last Name, First Name—Select this option to sort the accounts in the group by last name, starting with last names beginning with A.
      • Sort by Last Name, First Name (reversed)—Select this option to sort the accounts in the group by last name, starting with last names beginning with Z.
    2. Click OK.
  4. To customize the sort order, select an account you want to move in the Staff in Group list and click the up or down arrow.
  5. Click Save.