Set Survey Options in Advanced Mode

You can specify certain survey options to customize your questionnaire from the Designer Home tab.

  1. Click Survey Options on the Designer Home tab.
    Depending on your screen size, you may need to click Survey Tasks > Survey Options.
    The Survey Options window opens.
  2. Enter the field information.

    Survey Options in Advanced Mode

    Field Description


    Enter field information in this section to define the font attributes for the survey.

    Apply Survey Font

    Select this check box to set the font attributes in the survey.

    Note: If you used a template to create the survey and then set the font attributes for the survey, the header and footer fonts defined in the template do not change to the new font attributes.

    Font Family

    Click this drop-down list to select the font family.

    Font Size

    Click this drop-down list to select the font size.

    Font Color

    Click this box to open the Color window and set the font color in the survey. You can select a color from the Basic colors or click Define Custom Colors to define a color.


    Displays the font as it appears in the survey.

    Progress Indication

    Enter field information in this section to determine how customers can see their progress in the survey.

    Display Question Numbers

    Select this check box to display a number before each question. If cleared, questions appear unnumbered.

    Numbering Format

    Click this drop-down list to select the number format you want to appear before each question.

    This drop-down list is available only when the Display Question Numbers check box is selected.

    User Identification

    Specify cookie settings in this section.

    Use Cookie

    Select this check box to identify customers completing the survey by the B2C Service cookie set on their computer. The customer is first identified through URL parameters in the email link to the survey, and, if none exist, the cookie is used.

    Set Cookie

    Select this check box to set a cookie for customers who are identified through the email link to the survey.


    Set mobile optimization for surveys taken on mobile devices.

    Apply Mobile Optimization

    Caution: By clearing this check box, surveys will not be optimized for readability or touchscreen compatibility on mobile devices. While the survey will still display on any device, the questions may not be easy to read and responding may be difficult when a mobile device is used.

    Clear this check box to disable optimization for mobile devices. See Mobile Surveys.

  3. Click OK.