Edit Decision Attributes

Decision elements let you branch your workflow based on two outgoing paths you define.

After you add a Decision element to your flow diagram, you can edit its attributes to require contacts to meet certain criteria before moving down the Yes path. Contacts who do not meet the criteria are moved down the No path (if one exists). When you edit the decision, you can define conditions based on contact fields or question responses and a logical expression based on the conditions.

When you create decisions in campaigns or advanced questionnaires, you can create branches in your survey based on customer response. For example, you could serve a document with survey questions as a web page, then create a decision based on a response to send them to one of two documents containing additional questions.

Also, when a matrix question is added to an advanced questionnaire, each question from the matrix can be filtered by decision elements. In this way, you can direct the flow based on a specific contact response to an individual question in the matrix.

  1. Double-click the Decision element to open the Decision Conditions window.
  2. Enter the name of the decision in the Label field.
  3. Click Add Condition to create a condition for the Yes path. The Add Condition window opens.
    1. Enter the name of the condition in the Name field.
    2. Click the Source drop-down list and select a database field or survey question.
      Note: When adding a text field to a decision, the Source drop-down list displays an additional item as “<text field name> SmartSense.” Selecting the Smart Sense item lets you evaluate the customer’s emotional state or attitude based on the words or language the customer used when responding to the question. You can then specify values from Very Happy to Very Angry as criteria for your decision logic.
    3. Click the Operator drop-down list and select the logical symbol that completes the condition.
    4. Enter the value of the field or click the drop-down list and select the value in the Value field.
    5. Click OK to add the condition to the decision.
      This expression determines which contacts meet the condition (for example, State/Province=MT or <menu question>=<specified answer>).

      By default, when multiple conditions are added, they are joined by AND. When the AND operator is used, contacts are moved down the Yes path when all the conditions are met. You can further limit your data set by using the Boolean operators OR and NOT. When the OR operator is used, contacts are moved down the Yes path when any of the conditions are met.

  4. To add an OR to your expression, click Add OR Node.
    Conditions attached to the OR node are joined by OR.
  5. To edit a condition, select the condition and click Edit Condition.
  6. To delete a condition, select the condition and click Remove Condition.
    The Add OR Node, Edit Condition, and Delete Condition options display only after you have added a condition.
  7. Click View Text Definition to see your conditions as a logical expression.
  8. To add any notes associated with the element, click the Notes tab and enter the notes.
  9. Click OK.