Edit Execute Object Event Handler Attributes

You can add contact-related object event handlers to your campaign that can be associated with create and update operations on contact objects. Object event handlers are added and managed on the process designer in a virtual container called the process model.

Before you start

You must add object event handlers from the process designer and then deploy the process model before you can add Execute Object Event Handler elements to your campaign.
After you add your object event handlers on the process designer and deploy the process model, you can add an Execute Object Event Handler element to your flow diagram and then associate it with one your object event handlers to trigger an action. See .
Note: Only synchronous object event handlers are applicable to campaigns and surveys.

Here's what to do

  1. Double-click the Execute Object Event Handler element.
    The Execute Object Event Handler window opens.

    Contact objects must be added on the process designer and then the process model must be deployed for objects to display on the List tab.

  2. Enter the name of the element in the Label field.
  3. Select an object event handler from the List tab.
  4. To add notes about the object event handler, click the Notes tab and enter your notes.
  5. Click OK.