Edit Opportunity Attributes

After you add an Opportunity element to your flow diagram, you can edit its attributes to define fields of the opportunity created by this element.

You can specify the opportunity’s name, status, strategy, stage, assigned sales representative, and territory.
  1. Double-click the Opportunity element.
    The Opportunity window opens.
  2. Enter the name of the element in the Label field.
  3. Enter field information.

    Opportunity Window

    Field Description


    Enter the name of the opportunity in this field.

    The contact’s email address is appended to the lead name.


    Click this drop-down list to assign a status to the opportunity.


    Click this drop-down list to assign the opportunity to a strategy.


    Click this drop-down list to assign the opportunity to a stage. The options in this menu depend on the strategy selected.


    Click this drop-down list to assign the opportunity to a sales representative. Use the Find field at the bottom of the Assigned drop-down list to quickly find staff members.

    Tip: Wildcards are supported when searching staff members. You can search strings that include a space by entering %+Space+character, which is helpful when searching last names. For example, entering %+Space+b returns all last names starting with the letter b. There is also an implied wildcard when searching, so entering in the Find field returns all items containing the letter b.


    Click this drop-down list to assign the opportunity to a territory.


    Enter a summary of the opportunity in this field.

  4. Click Set Custom Field to set custom fields for the opportunity. The Set Custom Field window opens.
    Note: You must define custom fields in the Custom Fields editor before you can set a custom field for an opportunity. See .
    1. Click the Field drop-down list to select the custom field you want to set.
    2. Enter the value of the custom field in the Value field.
    3. Click OK.
      The custom field and its value appear in the Custom Fields grid.
  5. To edit the value of a custom field, click Edit next to the custom field.
  6. To remove the set value of a custom field, click Delete next to the custom field.
  7. To add any notes associated with the element, click the Notes tab and enter the notes.
  8. Click OK.