Edit Serve Web Page Attributes

After you add a Serve Web Page element to your flow diagram, you can edit its attributes to select a document to serve as a web page through B2C Service.

You can specify the shortcut ID used to generate the URL and choose whether to prefill the web form in the document with contact fields stored in the contact’s cookies or passed as parameters in the URL. You can also customize the title of the page you are editing. The page title displays in the title bar of the web browser when the survey is taken.
Tip: Use a submit connector to connect this action to the next action when the web page contains a web form or survey questions. You can also add a back button to a web page that contains a web form. See .
  1. Double-click the Serve Web Page element.
    The Serve Web Page window opens.
  2. Enter the name of the element in the Label field.
  3. Enter field information.

    Serve Web Page Window

    Field Description


    Select the document you want to use as a web page from this list.

    To search for a document, right-click the list and select Search. Then enter the document name in the Find field.

    New Document

    Click this text to create a document. See .

    *Shortcut ID

    Enter the shortcut ID that is used to format the URL in this field. The URL for the document will be:


    Note: This shortcut ID must be unique for all Serve Web Page elements in all surveys and campaigns.
    View Web Page icon. Descriptive text follows.

    (View Web Page)

    Click this icon to open the web page in a browser.

    The icon is inactive until the campaign is launched. If the shortcut ID is edited after launching, the icon is inactive until the campaign is saved.

    Copy URL

    Click this icon to copy the web page URL to the clipboard.

    The URL will not be valid until the campaign is launched.

    *Friendly Name

    Enter the name of your web page. This name is used when linking to the web form from another document.


    Enter the name of the page as you want it to display in the title bar of the web browser when the survey is taken.

    If you leave this field blank, either the document title or the template title will display in the web browser title bar. If a template has been applied to the document the web page uses, then the template title is used.

  4. Click the User Identification tab.
    You can specify default values for the settings on the User Identification tab by editing optional configuration settings. See .
  5. Enter field information.
    Note: Keep in mind that all the settings you define on the User Identification tab determine what data is passed to the survey results. This affects how you can associate your survey results to an incident or to a contact.

    User Identification Tab

    Field Description

    Identify User By

    Select from the following options to prefill a web form (if one is included in your document).

    Login with Password

    Select this option to require the contact to log in to the customer portal before viewing the web form.

    Remember Previous Login

    Select this check box to identify the contact through the contact’s login cookie. If a login cookie does not exist, the contact is redirected to the login page on the customer portal. If this check box is cleared, the contact is always required to log in through the customer portal before viewing the web form.

    Other Credentials

    Select this option to identify the contact by a cookie or through URL parameters.


    Select this option if you want to use the contact’s browser cookie to prefill the web form. The contact’s record is updated with the form submission.

    Email Click-Through Parameters

    Select this option if you want to use parameters passed in the URL to prefill the web form.

    Tip: If using this option to prefill a web form from a link in a mailing, be sure to use a web page link instead of a tracked link. Because tracked links are used to redirect to external sites, they do not support click-through parameters.

    Do Not Identify

    Select this option if you do not want the web form to prefill. This applies only to single page surveys or campaigns with only one Serve Web Page element. For surveys and campaigns with more than one page, after the contact info is added to the first page, the subsequent pages will prefill. Therefore, this option applies only to the first instance of a page in a survey or campaign flow that uses a Submit connector.

    For example, most surveys use a Submit connector on the first page that flows to the next page with another Submit connector, and so on. In this case, the first page will not prefill since the contact has not been identified. However, after the first page has been submitted, the next page that loads will be associated to that contact. Therefore, any web form fields on that page (as well as on subsequent pages) will prefill even though Do Not Identify is selected.

    Note: When serving a website link survey, this option is available only if the Allow Anonymous check box is selected on the Summary tab of the survey.

    Set Browser Cookie on Submit

    Select this check box if you want to set the contact’s browser cookie upon submitting the form. If the contact accesses any form later, the form will be prefilled if the Cookie option is selected for that form.

    Tip: You can set default values for the user identification fields by editing the configuration settings found in Outreach and Feedback/General/Campaigns. Note that default values specified by these settings impact both new campaigns and new advanced surveys.
  6. To add any notes associated with the element, click the Notes tab and enter the notes.
  7. Click OK.