View the Expanded Report Audit Log

The Expanded Report Audit Log provides administrators with information about reports that have been viewed or accessed. This information is recorded for all reports in your B2C Service site, regardless of where they were accessed.

This report is accessed from the Reports Explorer, but uses information from a table that's not accessible for use in custom reports. For this reason, you can’t copy this report.
Note: The data displayed in the Expanded Report Audit Log accumulates quickly since it's stored every time a report is run, previewed, forwarded, printed, or exported. To prevent the accumulation of this data from impeding site performance, it's purged 30 days after the tracked event occurs. If you need data stored longer than 30 days, you will need to run the audit log on a regular basis and export the data that's returned to another location.

This procedure describes opening the Expanded Report Audit Log from the Reports Explorer. However, it can also be added to navigation sets.

  1. Click Analytics on the navigation pane.
  2. Double-click Reports Explorer.
  3. Expand Public Reports > Common > Site Administration > Reports.
  4. Double-click the Expanded Report Audit Log report.
    The report’s Search window opens.
  5. Select the filters you want to use to limit the amount of data returned by the report.
  6. Click Search.
    The results display on the content pane.


These are the fields you will see in the Expanded Report Audit Log.
  • Report—This is the ID number of the report.
  • Report Name—This is the name of the report.
  • Account First Name—This is the first name of the staff member who performed the report action.
  • Account Last Name—This is the last name of the staff member who performed the report action.
  • Type—This is the type of action that occurred. The available options are Generated, Forwarded, Exported, and Printed.
  • Start Date—This is the time the report action was initiated.
  • End Date—This is the time the report action completed.
  • Source Level—This is where the report action occurred. For instance, reports generated on the Reports explorer have a source of CX Console > Console Standard Report, and reports generated through the Connect Public API have a source of Public API > Connect PHP.
  • Result Code—This is the result of the attempt to perform the action. The available options are Success, Too Much Data, Timed Out, and Unexpected Error.
  • Description—This lists the accounts and email addresses that a forwarded report was sent to.