View Database Information on the Report Designer

Before you add database fields to a report from the data dictionary, you may need to view information about the field’s contents.

When you create or edit a report, the data dictionary shown on the report designer gives you access to information about the tables and fields in the database.
Tip: If you want access to the data dictionary without opening the report designer, you can also open it from Configuration > Database > Data Dictionary.
  1. Open a report on the report designer.
  2. To view a brief description of a table or field, hover over the name of the object in the data dictionary.
  3. To view a detailed description of a table or field, right-click the name of the object in the data dictionary and select View Data Definition.
  4. To view the entire data dictionary that describes all the standard tables and fields in the database, right-click any table name and select View Full Data Dictionary.
    The data dictionary opens in a separate window.