Get a workspace



This operation will get a workspace.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Comma separated list of named resources to expand, or "all" to expand all
  • Comma separated list of fields to be returned
  • Comma separated list of links to be returned, or "none" to omit links

There's no request body for this operation.

  • Type: apiKey
    Description: Obtain a bearer token from https://{your_site_interface}/opa-hub/api/12.2.17/auth and use it in the Authorization header as: Bearer {token}.
  • Type: oauth2
    Description: POST the OAuth2 Client Credentials parameters to https://{your_site_interface}/opa-hub/api/12.2.17/auth and use the access token from the response in the Authorization header.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The request was successfully completed.
Body ()
Root Schema : workspace
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : defaultChannels
Type: array
Default channels for new deployments
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "interview", "webserviceAssess", "webserviceInterview", "embedjs" ]
Nested Schema : users
Type: array
The list of users that have roles in the workspace. List only contains the current user unless the caller is a Hub Administrator.
Show Source
Nested Schema : workspaceUser
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : roles
Type: array
The list of roles that the user has in the workspace.
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "Deploy Admin", "Policy Author", "Determinations API", "Chat Service", "Viewer" ]

404 Response

The requested resource does not exist.

410 Response

The requested resource is no longer available.
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