Update a workspace



This operation will update a workspace.


Path Parameters
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : defaultChannels
Type: array
Default channels for new deployments
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "interview", "webserviceAssess", "webserviceInterview", "embedjs" ]
Nested Schema : users
Type: array
The list of users that have roles in the workspace. List only contains the current user unless the caller is a Hub Administrator.
Show Source
Nested Schema : workspaceUserPatch
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : roles
Type: array
The list of roles that the user has in the workspace.
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "Deploy Admin", "Policy Author", "Determinations API", "Chat Service", "Viewer" ]
  • Type: apiKey
    Description: Obtain a bearer token from https://{your_site_interface}/opa-hub/api/12.2.17/auth and use it in the Authorization header as: Bearer {token}.
  • Type: oauth2
    Description: POST the OAuth2 Client Credentials parameters to https://{your_site_interface}/opa-hub/api/12.2.17/auth and use the access token from the response in the Authorization header.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The request was successfully completed.
Body ()
Root Schema : workspace
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : defaultChannels
Type: array
Default channels for new deployments
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "interview", "webserviceAssess", "webserviceInterview", "embedjs" ]
Nested Schema : users
Type: array
The list of users that have roles in the workspace. List only contains the current user unless the caller is a Hub Administrator.
Show Source
Nested Schema : workspaceUser
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : roles
Type: array
The list of roles that the user has in the workspace.
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "Deploy Admin", "Policy Author", "Determinations API", "Chat Service", "Viewer" ]

400 Response

The request could not be processed because it contains missing or invalid information.

404 Response

The requested resource does not exist.

409 Response

The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.

410 Response

The requested resource is no longer available.
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