
Intelligent Advisor comes with REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs. These REST APIs follow the Oracle REST standard, support CRUD operations and are fully self-describing.

A REST client, such as cURL or Swagger IO, is used to perform operations.

See Also: Customize and extend Intelligent Advisor

Intelligent Advisor Hub REST API

The Intelligent Advisor Hub REST API can be used to perform various administrative tasks in Intelligent Advisor. These tasks are:


  • Create new deployments and deployment versions
  • Add and delete deployment versions
  • Get deployments and deployment versions
  • Get deployment log information
  • Get an individual deployment snapshot, either as JSON or binary zip data
  • Get seed URL parameters for an individual deployment version
  • Get the available locales for an individual deployment version
  • Get deployment mappings
  • Get deployment logs
  • Get deployment debug logs
  • Update deployment channels, compatibility mode, and workspace membership
  • Update which deployment version is the active version
  • Generate a report of which projects and deployments are using a decision service
  • Get a project definition for a deployment version
  • Delete a deployment and deployment version


  • Create new connections
  • Update existing connections
  • Test the connectivity of existing connections
  • Delete connections

Users (including API clients):

  • Create users
  • Get users
  • Update users
  • Delete a user


  • Create new workspaces
  • Update existing workspaces
  • Delete workspaces


  • Create new decision service projects and versions
  • Create new Policy Modeling projects
  • Get decision service projects and versions
  • Get Policy Modeling projects and versions
  • Get Policy Modeling project and version inclusions reports
  • Revert a Policy Modeling project to an earlier version
  • Update decision service projects and versions
  • Delete a decision service project or version
  • Delete a Policy Modeling project or version

CORS Allowlists:

  • Update one or more existing CORS allowlist

Client Certificates:

  • Create new client certificates
  • Update an existing client certificate
  • Delete a client certificate

SSL Certificates:

  • Create new custom root certificates
  • Update an existing custom root certificate
  • Delete a custom root certificate


  • Get audit entries

Message log:

  • Get message log entries

All projects inclusions report

  • Get a report of all inclusions in all Policy Modeling projects

Checkpoint inspection:

  • Create a checkpoint inspection


  • Get all operations
  • Get the request and response data models published by an operation
  • Update the endpoint for an operation


  • Get an empty statistics response only containing related links
  • Retrieve statistics for the given definition

Authorization Providers:

  • Get authorization providers
  • Create authorization providers
  • Update an authorization provider
  • Delete an authorization provider

JWK Sets:

  • Get JWK sets
  • Get JWK set keys
  • Create a new active JWK set key
  • Update a JWK set
  • Delete a JWK set
  • Delete a JWK set key

Test Suites:

  • Create test suites, test cases and test runs
  • Get test suites, test cases and test runs
  • Update a test suite, test case and test run
  • Delete a test suite, test case and test run


  • Get basic About information for the Intelligent Advisor Hub

The current version of the Intelligent Advisor Hub REST API is "12.2.35".

Intelligent Advisor Batch Assess REST API

The Intelligent Advisor Batch Assess REST API can be used to process batches of assessment data through a deployed Policy Modeling project. These tasks are:

  • Get policy models
  • Get example request and response assessor payloads
  • Get the data model
  • Get the policy model assessor
  • Send case data to the policy model assessor

The current version of the Intelligent Advisor Batch Assess REST API is "12.2.26".

Intelligent Advisor Decision Service REST API

The Intelligent Advisor Decision Service REST API can be used to process single and multiple cases of data through a deployed or in development decision service project version authored in Intelligent Advisor Hub, and automatically describe the required inputs and the possible outputs using the contract defined for each project. These tasks are:

  • Get the OpenAPI 2.0 specification of a deployment or project version
  • Assess a single case of data through a deployed or in development decision service project version
  • Assess multiple cases of data through a deployed or in development decision service project version

The current version of the Intelligent Advisor Decision Service REST API is "v2".