Using the All Projects Inclusions Report REST API

The All Projects Inclusions Report REST API provides the ability to get a report of all Policy Modeling projects included by other Policy Modeling projects.

Example GET an all projects inclusions report

The GET request URL looks like:


The response to a get an all projects inclusions report request looks like the following:

    "inclusions": [{
            "projectName": "Project A",
            "projectVersion": 6,
            "inclusionName": "Project B",
            "inclusionVersion": 3,
            "inclusionLatestVersion": 3,
            "upToDateFlag": true
        }, {
            "projectName": "Project A",
            "projectVersion": 6,
            "inclusionName": "Project C",
            "inclusionVersion": 3,
            "inclusionLatestVersion": 4,
            "upToDateFlag": false
        }, {
            "projectName": "Project B",
            "projectVersion": 3,
            "inclusionName": "Project D",
            "inclusionVersion": 5,
            "inclusionLatestVersion": 5,
            "upToDateFlag": true
        }, {
            "projectName": "Project D",
            "projectVersion": 1,
            "inclusionName": "Project E",
            "inclusionVersion": 3,
            "inclusionLatestVersion": 4,
            "upToDateFlag": false
    "links": [
        // ...

Note that only the immediate inclusions of the project are listed. For more information, see Get an all projects inclusions report.

The data may also be encoded as CSV data, suitable for Excel. The client may request CSV data in one of two ways:

  • Provide an HTTP Accept header that specifies that CSV data is preferred. The format is: Accept: text/csv

  • Provide a query parameter in the URL that specifies that CSV data is required. The format is: GET /opa-hub/api/12.2.28/projects-inclusions/?mediaType=text/csv