Using the Message Log Entries REST API

The message log entries REST API provides the ability to retrieve a list of messages that are normally accessed through the Intelligent Advisor Hub Message log.

The REST API supports GETs only, that is, no editing, updating, creation or deletion is possible. Query parameters can be specified so that callers of the API will be able filter messages.

Paging is supported by the GET message-log-entries (including a GET with a query). It allows retrieval of message log entries per page size. The default page size is 1000 entries.

If there are more message log entries than the page size, there will be a link named nextPage in the JSON response for retrieving the next page of message log entries. If the user has retrieved a page of message log entries using the nextPage link, a link named previousPage will be available in the JSON response for retrieving the previous page of message log entries.

Only a Hub Administrator can access the message log REST API. An authentication token acquired by that user is required.

GET All Message Log Entries

The request URL looks like:


GET Filtered Message Log Entries

The message log entries REST API supports the q query parameter. This parameter is used for specifying a filter expression that restricts the set of the items returned. Note that the query must be URL encoded.

The request URL with the q parameter looks like:

opa-hub/api/12.2.22/message-log-entries?q=<url encoded query%gt;

The following optional URL query parameters are supported:

Parameter Example (URL encoded) Filter applied
code q=code%3D%27OPA-RN-4%27 code='OPA-RN-4'
connectionId q=connectionId%3D4 connectionId=4
connectionName q=connectionName%3D%27Test%27 connectionName='Test'
date q=date%3C%272021-01-01%27 date<'2021-01-01'
date q=date%3C%272020-12-31T08%3A00%3A00Z%27 date<'2020-12-31T08:00:00Z'
deploymentName q=deploymentName%3D%27Test%27 deploymentName='Test'
deploymentId q=deploymentId%3D4 deploymentId=4
deploymentVersionId q=deploymentVersionId%3D4 deploymentVersionId=4
origin q=origin%3D%27owda%27 origin='owda'

Queries can be joined via an 'AND' or 'OR' conjunction. For example, to filter by connectionId=4 AND deploymentId=99, the query would be:


An error will be returned if the query is invalid.

GET Message Log Entry

Retrieves a specific message log entry using its logEntryId.

The request URL looks like:
