Configuration Metadata REST Endpoints

Configuration/Configuration Metadata
Configuration Metadata Services expose information about the definitions of the Product Families, Product Lines, Models, attributes, array sets, menu items, and translations. All of the Configuration metadata REST APIs follow a standard product path based on the hierarchy of product family to product line to model. Depending on the metadata being requested, the product path for the endpoint URL requires the broader product structure specified by variable name. Therefore, to retrieve Model-level configuration metadata, the Product Family and Product Line variable names are required.
Get Model Metadata
Method: get
Path: /rest/v16/productFamilies/{prodFamVarName}/productLines/{prodLineVarName}/models/{modelVarName}
Get Models Metadata
Method: get
Path: /rest/v16/productFamilies/{prodFamVarName}/productLines/{prodLineVarName}/models
Get Product Families Metadata
Method: get
Path: /rest/v16/productFamilies
Get Product Family Metadata
Method: get
Path: /rest/v16/productFamilies/{prodFamVarName}
Get Product Line Metadata
Method: get
Path: /rest/v16/productFamilies/{prodFamVarName}/productLines/{prodLineVarName}
Get Product Lines Metadata
Method: get
Path: /rest/v16/productFamilies/{prodFamVarName}/productLines