Email - Generate Transaction Email



Use this endpoint to retrieve the objects required to send a transaction email.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
Root Schema : Transaction-EmailPrintRequest
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Cache Instance Id
    The unique identifier for the entry of transaction data stored in the cache. This typically is obtained from first createTransaction or OpenTransaction action and passed along in subsequent Modify/Interact action to avoid reload transaction data from db.
  • Query Definition
    Title: Query Definition
    Captures the query definition for the current resource request.
  • Title: Delta
    The boolean parameter to request a delta response for data as well as state in the context of current criteria.
  • Title: Language Attribute Value
    Language attribute value for the print document
  • Title: Language Attribute Value
    Language attribute value for the print document
  • Title: Revision Id
    The string parameter that contains the revision information.
Nested Schema : Query Definition
Type: object
Title: Query Definition
Captures the query definition for the current resource request.
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Nested Schema : actions
Type: array
Array of actions names, whose state is requested in the state object response.
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Nested Schema : childDefs
Type: array
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Nested Schema : expand
Type: array
Array of child resource names that you want to expand so that the contents return with the parent in the same request.
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Nested Schema : expandedDomains
Type: array
Array of field names, whose expanded domains are requested in the state object response.
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Nested Schema : fields
Type: array
Array of field names that you wanted returned in a request.
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Nested Schema : Child query criteria.
Type: object
Title: Child query criteria.
Captures the query criteria for the child resource.
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Transaction-EmailPrintResponse
Type: object
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Nested Schema : Attachments available
Type: array
Title: Attachments available
List of attachments available for email action.
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Nested Schema : Attachments available for merge.
Type: array
Title: Attachments available for merge.
List of attachments available to merge for an email or print action.
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Nested Schema : Attachments Selected by Default.
Type: array
Title: Attachments Selected by Default.
Default selected attachment for an email or print action.
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Nested Schema : warnings
Type: object
Title: warnings
warning messages
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Nested Schema : XslViews
Type: array
Title: XslViews
Captures the array of XslViews available in Process Action
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Nested Schema : Attachment properties
Type: object
Title: Attachment properties
Captures the id and name of the attachment
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Nested Schema : Messages
Type: array
Title: Messages
Array of messages that have been generated for a specific object.
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Nested Schema : XslViewDef
Type: object
Title: XslViewDef
Captures the XslView available in Process Action
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The following example shows how to retrieve the objects required to send a transaction email by submitting a POST request to the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl -X POST -i -H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQg" -H "Accept: application/json"

Response Body Sample

  "comments": "",
  "attachments": null,
  "ccEmail": "",
  "availableAttachmentsForMerge": [{
      "id": 3023140360,
      "name": "Attachment 1.pdf (Transaction - attachment 1)"
  "subject": "",
  "warnings": {},
  "fromEmail": "",
  "xslViews": [{
      "id": 3023140083,
      "name": "english tempalte pdf output(Printer Friendly/History)",
      "isMergeAttachmentSupported": true
    }, {
      "id": 3023140134,
      "name": "English Document DOCX Ouput(Printer Friendly/History)",
      "isMergeAttachmentSupported": false
  "revisionId": "46,0",
  "bccEmail": "",
  "generatedProposalAttachmentForMerge": [{
      "id": -2,
      "name": "GENERATED PROPOSAL"
  "toName": null,
  "fromName": null,
  "toEmail": ""
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