Get Transaction Line Available Rate Plans



Use this endpoint to retreve all available rate plans for the specified transaction line.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Exclude specified field types.
  • Restrict which fields shall be returned. The value is a comma delimited string and each token is a field name.
  • The requested page size, which limits the number of elements the collection should max return .
  • The offset of the page. By default, offset is 0, which means first page will be returned.
  • Specifies a comma-separated list of pairs to order the response by.
  • Allows to specify one or more filtering criteria. By default, no filtering is applied.
  • Specifies that the total count of records should be included in the response when doing pagination.
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : TransactionLine_availableRatePlanSet-collection
Type: object
Show Source
  • state
    Title: state
    Captures the current state of the resource collection.Of available properties, only those that are applicable and whose values are known in the current context are included.
  • The number of resource instances returned in the current range.
  • Returns true if more resources are available on the server than the subset returned in current page.
  • items
  • The actual paging size used by the server.
  • The offset used in the current page.
  • Capture the total count of the resource instances, which not only includes the instances in the current range, but all instances on the server that satisfy the request.
Nested Schema : state
Type: object
Title: state
Captures the current state of the resource collection.Of available properties, only those that are applicable and whose values are known in the current context are included.
Show Source
  • Actions
    Title: Actions
    Captures the current state of each action whose state was requested. The object contains one property per action, where the property name is the variable name for the action.
  • state
    Title: state
    Captures the current state of the resource row. Of available properties, only those that are applicable and whose values are known in the current context are included.
  • Focused Users
    Title: Focused Users
    Details about users who are focused on this item. The object contains one property per focused user, where the property name is the user' s unique identifier.
  • Title: Has Error
    Boolean value that specifies whether any error that occurred has been assigned to the collection itself.
  • Title: Has Warning
    Boolean value that specifies whether any warning that was issued has been assigned to the collection itself.
  • Title: Insertable
    Boolean value that specifies whether new rows can be inserted into the collection.
  • Messages
    Title: Messages
    Array of messages that have been generated for a specific object.
  • Title: Queryable
    Boolean value that specifies whether the rows in the collection can be queried.
  • Title: Sortable
    Boolean value that specifies whether the rows in the collection can be sorted.
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : Actions
Type: object
Title: Actions
Captures the current state of each action whose state was requested. The object contains one property per action, where the property name is the variable name for the action.
Nested Schema : state
Type: object
Title: state
Captures the current state of the resource row. Of available properties, only those that are applicable and whose values are known in the current context are included.
Show Source
  • Actions
    Title: Actions
    Captures the current state of each action whose state was requested. The object contains one property per action, where the property name is the variable name for the action.
  • Attributes
    Title: Attributes
    Captures the current state of each attribute whose state was requested. The object contains one property per group, where the property name is the resource field name for the attribute.
  • Title: Deletable
    Boolean value that specifies whether the row can be deleted.
  • Title: Has Error
    Boolean value that specifies whether any error that occurred has been assigned to the row itself.
  • Title: Has Warning
    Boolean value that specifies whether any warning that was issued has been assigned to the row itself.
  • Messages
    Title: Messages
    Array of messages that have been generated for a specific object.
  • Title: Updatable
    Boolean value that specifies whether the row can be updated.
Nested Schema : Focused Users
Type: object
Title: Focused Users
Details about users who are focused on this item. The object contains one property per focused user, where the property name is the user' s unique identifier.
Nested Schema : Messages
Type: array
Title: Messages
Array of messages that have been generated for a specific object.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Actions
Type: object
Title: Actions
Captures the current state of each action whose state was requested. The object contains one property per action, where the property name is the variable name for the action.
Nested Schema : Attributes
Type: object
Title: Attributes
Captures the current state of each attribute whose state was requested. The object contains one property per group, where the property name is the resource field name for the attribute.
Nested Schema : Messages
Type: array
Title: Messages
Array of messages that have been generated for a specific object.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Available Rate Plan Set
Type: object
Title: Available Rate Plan Set
Show Source
Nested Schema : _transaction_currency_pref
Type: object
Title: _transaction_currency_pref
Show Source
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