Pipeline Viewer - Transaction Line



Use this endpoint to display rules that are in effect for the current Commerce process. This action returns only transaction line items.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
Root Schema : TransactionLine-_pipelineViewerRequest
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Cache Instance Id
    The unique identifier for the entry of transaction data stored in the cache. This typically is obtained from first createTransaction or OpenTransaction action and passed along in subsequent Modify/Interact action to avoid reload transaction data from db.
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : TransactionLine-_pipelineViewerResponse
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Cache Instance Id
    The unique identifier for the entry of transaction data stored in the cache. This typically is obtained from first createTransaction or OpenTransaction action and passed along in subsequent Modify/Interact action to avoid reload transaction data from db.
  • Rules
    Title: Rules
    Rules associated with the transaction.
Nested Schema : Rules
Type: array
Title: Rules
Rules associated with the transaction.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Rule
Type: object
Title: Rule
Rule definition.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Components
Type: object
Title: Components
Rule components
Show Source
Nested Schema : Main document
Type: object
Title: Main document
Rules in main document
Show Source
Nested Schema : Sub document
Type: object
Title: Sub document
Rules in sub document
Show Source
Nested Schema : Actions
Type: array
Title: Actions
Rules in actions
Show Source
Nested Schema : Attributes
Type: array
Title: Attributes
Rules in attributes
Show Source
Nested Schema : Actions
Type: array
Title: Actions
Rules in actions
Show Source
Nested Schema : Attributes
Type: array
Title: Attributes
Rules in attributes
Show Source
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The following example shows how to check rules that are in effect for the current Commerce process by submitting POST requests to the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl - X POST - i - H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQg" - H "Content-type: application/json"

Response Body Sample

"cacheInstanceId": "bDYxrCAnUwiVpYXUGDoT1GilCF0CFMPEGTcuKCPER3QFuxHJf33AYtAU1atZItpt"

Response Body Sample

   "pipelineViewerRules": [{
      "name": "Hiding: Unhide Rules- Hiding Panel Subdoc",
      "type": "Hiding Rule",
      "components": {
         "mainDoc": {
            "attributes": [],
            "actions": []
         "subDoc": {
            "attributes": [
               "Hiding Tab 3 Attribute 1 Subdoc [hidingTab3Attribute1Subdoc]", 
               "Hiding Tab 1 Attribute 2 Subdoc [hidingTab1Attribute2Subdoc]", 
               "Hiding Tab 2 Attribute 2 Subdoc [hidingTab2Attribute2Subdoc]", 
               "Hiding Tab 1 Attribute 1 Subdoc [hidingTab1Attribute1Subdoc]"
            "actions": []
   }, {
      "name": "Composite Sub Hiding",
      "type": "Hiding Rule",
      "components": {
         "mainDoc": {
         "subDoc": {
      }, {
      "name": "Constrain Commerce BOM Attribute Mapping Rules - Float to Float",
      "type": "Constraint Rule",
      "components": {
         "mainDoc": {
         "subDoc": {
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