Get Action Metadata



This service returns the metadata for a specific Commerce action.


Path Parameters
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Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : CommerceActions
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : foreignKey
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Additional
Type: object
Title: Additional
Additional Fields
Nested Schema : dependencies
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : lookup
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Display Value
    Translated display name of the type for which fixed list of values can be defined.
  • Title: Lookup Code
    Language independent code of the fixed list of value.
Nested Schema : Potential States
Type: object
Title: Potential States
Set of states for this attribute.
Nested Schema : Actions
Type: object
Title: Actions
Array of actions
Nested Schema : Attributes
Type: object
Title: Attributes
Array of attributes
Nested Schema : Groups
Type: object
Title: Groups
Array of groups
Nested Schema : Resources
Type: object
Title: Resources
Array of resources
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The following example shows how to retrieve the metadata for an action defined for the specified Commerce document by submitting a GET request to the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl - X GET - i - H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQg" - H "Content-type: application/json"

Response Body Sample

   "id": 36244182,
   "dateModified": "2015-10-26",
   "links": [{
         "rel": "self",
         "href": ""
      }, {
         "rel": "parent",
         "href": ""
      }, {
         "rel": "child",
         "href": ""
   "label": "Update Line Items",
   "description": "Default action to update Line Items",
   "variableName": "_update_line_items",
   "isRemote": false,
   "evalReasonTree": false,
   "actionTimeout": -1,
   "usageType": {
      "lookupCode": "0",
      "displayValue": "System"
   "type": {
      "lookupCode": "CmUpdateLineItemsAction",
      "displayValue": "Update Line Item"
   "destinationType": {
      "lookupCode": "1",
      "displayValue": "Same Page"
   "resetReasonType": {
      "lookupCode": "1",
      "displayValue": "Simple"
   "validationType": {
      "lookupCode": "0",
      "displayValue": "Simple Validations"
   "parentAction": null,
   "dependencies": {},
   "potentialStates": ["visible", "enabled"],
   "additional": null,
   "actionSet": null,
   "isShowLoadingDialog": true
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