Get All Access Segments for a Group



This endpoint retrieves all group access segments for the host company group.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Group access segment details.
Body ()
Root Schema : Segments
Type: object
Title: Segments
Access Segments for a group
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Segment Details
Type: object
Title: Segment Details
Show Source
  • Title: Checked
    Is segment enabled.
  • Title: Icon
    Path of the icon image file. This field is only applicable if uiMetadata is set as true.
  • Sub Segments
    Title: Sub Segments
    Sub access segments for the segment.
  • Title: Status
    Specifies if the segment is enabled, partially selected or unselected. Possible values are 0[UNCHECKED], 1[PARTIALCHECKED],2[CHECKED]. This field is only applicable if uiMetadata is set as true.
  • Title: VariableName
    Segment variable name.
Nested Schema : Sub Segments
Type: object
Title: Sub Segments
Sub access segments for the segment.
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Sub Segment Details
Type: object
Title: Sub Segment Details
Show Source
  • Title: Checked
    Is segment enabled.
  • Title: Icon
    Path of the icon image file. This field is only applicable if uiMetadata is set as true.
  • Title: Status
    Specifies if the segment is enabled, partially selected or unselected. Possible values are 0[UNCHECKED], 1[PARTIALCHECKED],2[CHECKED]. This field is only applicable if uiMetadata is set as true.
  • Title: title
    Segment label.
  • Title: VariableName
    Segment variable name.
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The following example retrieves all group access segments for the host company group by submitting a GET request to the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl -X POST -i -H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQg" -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json"

Response Body Sample

  "items": [{
      "variableName": "_commerceAndDocuments",
      "title": "Commerce and Documents",
      "checked": false,
      "segments": {
        "items": [{
            "variableName": "_processDefinition",
            "title": "Process Definition",
            "checked": true
          }, {
            "variableName": "_processInvocation",
            "title": "Process Invocation",
            "checked": true
          }, {
            "variableName": "_commerceSettings",
            "title": "Commerce Settings",
            "checked": true
          }, {
            "variableName": "_documents",
            "title": "Documents",
            "checked": true
          }, {
            "variableName": "_documentDesigner",
            "title": "Document Designer",
            "checked": true
          }, {
            "variableName": "_emailDesigner",
            "title": "Email Designer",
            "checked": true
    }, {
      "variableName": "_developerTools",
      "title": "Developer Tools",
      "segments": {
        "items": [{
            "variableName": "_bmlLibrary",
            "title": "BML Library",
            "checked": false
          }, {
            "variableName": "_dataTables",
            "title": "Data Tables",
            "checked": false,
            "segments": {
              "items": [{
                  "variableName": "_default",
                  "title": "[Default]",
                  "checked": true
                }, {
                  "variableName": "aBOTables",
                  "title": "ABO Tables",
                  "checked": false
                }, {
                  "variableName": "accessRestrictedFolder",
                  "title": "Access Restricted Folder",
                  "checked": false
                }, {
                  "variableName": "bMQL",
                  "title": "BMQL",
                  "checked": false
          }, {
            "variableName": "_globalSearchOnBML",
            "title": "Global Search on BML",
            "checked": false
          }, {
            "variableName": "_devToolKit",
            "title": "Developer Toolkit CLI",
            "checked": false
          }, {
            "variableName": "_logs",
            "title": "Logs",
            "checked": false
      "checked": false
    }, {
      "variableName": "_integrationPlatform",
      "title": "Integration Platform",
      "segments": {
        "items": [{
            "variableName": "_accounts",
            "title": "Accounts",
            "checked": false
          }, {
            "variableName": "_integrationSettings",
            "title": "Integration Settings",
            "checked": false
          }, {
            "variableName": "_singleSignOn",
            "title": "Single Sign-On",
            "checked": false
      "checked": false
    }, {
      "variableName": "_general",
      "title": "General",
      "segments": {
        "items": [{
            "variableName": "_uiDesigner",
            "title": "UI Designer",
            "checked": false
          }, {
            "variableName": "_countriesAndStates",
            "title": "Countries and States",
            "checked": false
          }, {
            "variableName": "_emailSignature",
            "title": "Email Signature",
            "checked": false
          }, {
            "variableName": "_favoritesList",
            "title": "Favorites List",
            "checked": true
          }, {
            "variableName": "_generalSiteOptions",
            "title": "General Site Options",
            "checked": false
          }, {
            "variableName": "_hostCompany",
            "title": "Host Company",
            "checked": false
      "checked": false
    }, {
      "variableName": "_products",
      "title": "Products",
      "segments": {
        "items": [{
            "variableName": "_productDefinition",
            "title": "Product Definition",
            "segments": {
              "items": [{
                  "title": "System Configuration Product Family",
                  "variableName": "systemConfigurationProductFamily",
                  "checked": false
                }, {
                  "title": "Integration",
                  "variableName": "integration",
                  "checked": false
            "checked": false
          }, {
            "variableName": "_catalogDefinition",
            "title": "Catalog Definition",
            "segments": {
              "items": [{
                  "title": "System Configuration Product Family",
                  "variableName": "systemConfigurationProductFamily",
                  "checked": false
                }, {
                  "title": "Integration",
                  "variableName": "integration",
                  "checked": false
            "checked": false
          }, {
            "variableName": "_configurationSettings",
            "title": "Configuration Settings",
            "checked": false
          }, {
            "variableName": "_parts",
            "title": "Parts",
            "checked": false
          }, {
            "variableName": "_eligibilityRules",
            "title": "Eligibility Rules",
            "checked": false
          }, {
            "variableName": "_pricing",
            "title": "Pricing Portal",
            "checked": false
      "checked": false
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