Add Multiple Models to a Transaction



This action is used for configuring a set of model with appropriate inputs such as configurable attributes or flow inputs for the execution of configuration rules and generates the configuration data. This data is used to create a set of lines under given transaction


Supported Media Types
Body ()
Root Schema : configActions_bulkAddToTxnRequest
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Buyside Identifier
    Buyside Identifier
  • Title: Document Id
    The unique Identifier of the Main document or Sub Document
  • Title: Headless Mode
    This property determines the API execution behavior. When false, API execution mimics the legacy UI behavior. When true, executes in UI agnostic mode. The default value is false.
  • items
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Configuration Data
Type: object
Title: Configuration Data
Top-level object in the payload containing the configuration data.
Show Source
Nested Schema : modelPunchin
Type: object
Show Source
  • Flow Inputs
    Title: Flow Inputs
    An object that consists of one or more configuration attributes which act as the trigger conditions to determine the appropriate configuration flow that needs to be rendered.
  • Parameters
    Title: Parameters
    An object that consists of one or more configuration attributes with appropriate values which then will be applied by default on the model configuration UI when punched-in.
  • Search Results
    Title: Search Results
    An object that consists of one or more configuration attributes with appropriate values which then will enable selector recommendations for model configuration.
Nested Schema : Flow Inputs
Type: object
Title: Flow Inputs
An object that consists of one or more configuration attributes which act as the trigger conditions to determine the appropriate configuration flow that needs to be rendered.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Parameters
Type: object
Title: Parameters
An object that consists of one or more configuration attributes with appropriate values which then will be applied by default on the model configuration UI when punched-in.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Search Results
Type: object
Title: Search Results
An object that consists of one or more configuration attributes with appropriate values which then will enable selector recommendations for model configuration.
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : configActions_bulkAddToTxnResponse
Type: object
Show Source
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The following example shows how to upload multiple models to a transaction by submitting a POST request to the REST resource using cURL.

curl -X POST -i -H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQg" -H "Accept: application/json"

Request Body Sample

  "bsId": 41370275,
  "documentId": 37056643,
  "items": [{
      "productFamily": "vision",
      "productLine": "servers",
      "model": "serverSolutions",
      "configData": {
        "packagedSolutions": {
          "value": "Sentinel",
          "displayValue": "Standard"
    }, {
      "productFamily": "vision",
      "productLine": "servers",
      "model": "ultraPowerSolutionPackage",
      "configData": {
        "serverCounter": 1,
        "powerSupply": {
          "value": "600W PSU",
          "displayValue": "600W PSU"
        "enclosure": "Vision Blade 6000 Chassis",
        "howMuchDataDoYouCurrentlyManageAndStore": {
          "value": "1 TB - 5 TB",
          "displayValue": "1 TB - 5 TB"
        "ram": {
          "value": "4 GB RAM",
          "displayValue": "4 GB RAM"
        "ramConfiguration": {
          "value": "2 Sticks",
          "displayValue": "2 Sticks"
        "slimFloppyDrive": false,
        "serverPerformance": {
          "value": "Entry Level",
          "displayValue": "Entry Level"
        "supportLevel": {
          "value": "Vision Gold",
          "displayValue": "Vision Gold"
        "oSLicenses": 1,
        "overrideLowQuantity": false,
        "howManyEmployeesDoYouHaveNow": {
          "value": "26 - 100",
          "displayValue": "26 - 100"
        "applicationSoftwareCounter": 4,
        "blades_quantity": 1,
        "numberOfProcessors": {
          "value": 2,
          "displayValue": "2"

Response Body Sample

  "destinationUrl": "",
  "bsId": 41370275,
  "processId": 36733329,
  "processVarName": "oraclecpqo",
  "documentId": 37056643
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