Get Configuration BOM Instance



This operation will use one of the lineId or config_id to retrieve a saved Configuration BOM Instance. The lineId is returned from a Terminate, Suspend, Resume, or Renew service. The config_id is returned by client side JSON object for client integration case. NOTE: Get Configuration Instance is only available for external integrations.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
Root Schema : configBomInstance-getConfigBomRequest
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Flatten BOM Hierarchy
    Determines how the BOM structure is returned. Set to 'true' to return a flattened BOM structure (default value). Set to 'false' to return a hierarchical BOM structure.
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : configBomInstance-getConfigBomResponse
Type: object
Show Source
    Title: ABO BOM
    The BOM instance hierarchy returned by the configBomInstance endpoint to retrieve the BOM instance created by the ABO process. It only describes a two-level flattened hierarchy and fields populated by the out-of-box ABO process.
Nested Schema : ABO BOM
Type: object
Title: ABO BOM
The BOM instance hierarchy returned by the configBomInstance endpoint to retrieve the BOM instance created by the ABO process. It only describes a two-level flattened hierarchy and fields populated by the out-of-box ABO process.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ABO BOM Asset Field Definitions
Type: object
Title: ABO BOM Asset Field Definitions
List of additional Commerce attributes populated by the ABO process.
Show Source
Nested Schema : attributes
Type: object
Nested Schema : children
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ABO BOM Custom Attributes definitions
Type: object
Title: ABO BOM Custom Attributes definitions
List of additional commerce attributes populated by the ABO process
Show Source
Nested Schema : ABO BOM Field definitions
Type: object
Title: ABO BOM Field definitions
List of additional Commerce attributes populated by the ABO process
Show Source
  • Title: Price Unit Price Each
    Override net unit price populated by the ABO process.
  • Title: Fultillment Status
    The fulfillment status identifies the current state of an order and the associated saved BOM instance. Possible values include: CREATED - Upon creating the configured BOM instance, the fulfillment status is set to CREATED and indicates the order has not been submitted for fulfillment; BEING_FULFILLED - Indicates the order was submitted to the fulfillment system and CPQ has not yet been notified of the order 's fulfillment; FULFILLED: Indicates the order is fulfilled and assets have been created in CPQ; and CLOSED - Indicates the order is closed or cancelled.
  • Title: Item Instance ID
    The display Id of the product instance.
  • Title: Item Instance Name
    The display name of the product instance.
  • Title: Action Code
    The action code for the current transaction line, the possible values are Add, Update, Delete, Terminate, Suspend, etc.
Nested Schema : amount
Type: object
Amount of the asset associated to the Configuration BOM.
Nested Schema : billingAccount
Type: object
Billing Account of the asset associated to the Configuration BOM.
Nested Schema : endDate
Type: object
End Date of the asset associated to the Configuration BOM.
Nested Schema : id
Type: object
Id of the asset associated to the Configuration BOM.
Nested Schema : serviceAccount
Type: object
Service Account of the asset associated to the Configuration BOM.
Nested Schema : startDate
Type: object
Start Date of the asset associated to the Configuration BOM.
Nested Schema : BOM Item
Type: object
Title: BOM Item
Structure of BOM Item Object
Show Source
Nested Schema : attributes
Type: object
Nested Schema : field1
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field10
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field11
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field12
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field13
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field14
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field15
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field16
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field17
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field18
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field19
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field2
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field20
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field21
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field22
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field23
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field24
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field25
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field26
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field27
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field28
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field29
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field3
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field30
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field4
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field5
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field6
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field7
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field8
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
Nested Schema : field9
Type: object
Custom Attribute for a Part
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