Generate Email Document



This operation creates an html email document for a given Transaction. The response of the POST returns the location of the generated email in the location header with 201 response code. Using a GET on the specified location would return the content of the email output.


Supported Media Types
Body ()
Root Schema : Generate Email
Type: object
Title: Generate Email
Show Source
  • Title: Language Code
    The language integer value to specify the template language. To identify integer values, refer to the Supported Languages section in the CPQ Administration Online Help > Language Support topic.
  • Title: Process Varname
    The available Commerce Process variable name
  • Title: Template Name
    The Email Designer template name
  • Title: Transaction ID
    Commerce Transaction Id
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

No content. This task does not return elements in the response body.
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The following example shows how to create an email generator by submitting a POST request to the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl -X POST -i -H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQg" -H "Content-type: application/json"

Request Body Sample

"templateName":"Generic Approval Notification",
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