Extract Data Stores



Use this endpoint to submit a request to extract data stores.


Supported Media Types
Body ()
Data Stores Extract Request
Root Schema : extractData_DataStoresRequest
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : dataStores
Type: array
List of data stores.
Show Source
Nested Schema : RequestDataStore
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Provides taskId and a message
Body ()
Root Schema : extractData_SubmitResponse
Type: object
Show Source
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The following example shows how to submit a request to extract data stores by submitting a POST request to the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl - X POST - i - H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQg" - H "Content-type: application/json"

Request Body for Main Document

  "parURL": "https://objectstorage.regionexample.oraclecloud.com/parURLExamplecpq/b/bucket-20231120-1151/o/",
  "timeoutHours": "",
      "dataStoreName": "oraclecpqo-transaction-DOCUMENT",
      "attributes": "_document_number_customer_t_first_name|_customer_t_last_name|_id"

Response Body

  "Task Id": 3022955677,
  "Message": "Extract request submitted successfully"

Request Body for Sub-Document

  "parURL": "https://objectstorage.regionexample.oraclecloud.com/parURLExamplecpq/b/bucket-20231120-1151/o/",
  "timeoutHours": "",
      "dataStoreName": "oraclecpqo-transactionLine-DOCUMENT",
      "attributes": "_document_number}annualValue_l|_price_book_var_name"
    }, {
      "dataStoreName": "oraclecpqo-transactionLine-_availableRatePlanSet-DOCUMENTARRAYSET",
      "attributes": "_document_number|_availableRatePlanSet_rate_plan_name|_availableRatePlanSet_rate_plan_number"

Response Body

  "Task Id": 3022955677,
  "Message": "Extract request submitted successfully"
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