Get List of the Selected Options from a Favorite



This endpoint returns the list of selected options of an individual favorite.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Restrict which fields shall be returned. The value is a comma delimited string and each token is a field name.
  • Specifies the pagination limit, up to 1000. If no limit is specified or if a limit greater than 1000 is specified, a pagination limit of 1000 will be used..
  • Specifies the offset in the record set to start the response from. Usually used in conjunction with limit parameter to obtain the next set of records.
  • Specifies a comma-separated list of fields to order the response by.
  • Declares a query specification expression.
  • Specifies that the total count of records should be included in the response when doing pagination. Only effective when limit or offset are specified.
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : favoriteItems-collection
Type: object
Show Source
  • The number of resource instances returned in the current range.
  • Returns true if more resources are available on the server than the subset returned in current page.
  • items
  • The actual paging size used by the server. If no limit was specified or if a limit greater than 1000 is specified, a pagination limit of 1000 will be used.
  • The offset used in the current page.
  • Capture the total count of the resource instances, which not only includes the instances in the current range, but all instances on the server that satisfy the request.
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Favorite Items
Type: object
Title: Favorite Items
Show Source
Nested Schema : Configuration Attributes
Type: object
Title: Configuration Attributes
Configuration Attributes holder
Nested Schema : Part Properties
Type: object
Title: Part Properties
Part Properties JSON
Nested Schema : Price
Type: object
Title: Price
total price
Show Source
Nested Schema : Price Book
Type: object
Title: Price Book
Associated Price Book
Show Source
Nested Schema : Serial Number
Type: object
Title: Serial Number
Serial Number
Nested Schema : Serial Number Description
Type: object
Title: Serial Number Description
Serial Number Description
Nested Schema : Type Specific Attributes
Type: object
Title: Type Specific Attributes
JSON of Type Specific Attributes
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The following example shows how to retrieve the list of selected options of an individual favorite by submitting a GET request to the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl - X GET - i - H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQg" - H "Content-type: application/json"

Response Body Sample

  "hasMore": false,
  "links": [{
      "rel": "self",
      "href": ""
  "items": [{
      "type": 3,
      "lineBomDisplayName": "part12",
      "ownerUserEmail": "",
      "dateAdded": "2022-03-01T02:45:00.000Z",
      "ownerUserFirstName": "John",
      "userAddedFirstName": "John",
      "prefCurrencyName": "US Dollar",
      "serialNumberDescription": null,
      "priceBook": {
        "variableName": "_default_price_book",
        "name": "Base Price",
        "links": [{
            "rel": "domain",
            "href": ""
          }, {
            "rel": "canonical",
            "href": ""
      "itemName": "part12",
      "prefLanguageName": "English",
      "price": {
        "value": 12.0,
        "currency": "USD"
      "id": 9100006907,
      "refName": "part12",
      "isMandatory": true,
      "serialNumber": null,
      "userModifiedLastName": null,
      "userModifiedFirstName": "John",
      "itemId": "8523095",
      "productLineName": null,
      "subType": 2,
      "status": 0,
      "supplierCompanyId": 4118171,
      "rootId": 9100006903,
      "typeSpecificAttrs": null,
      "configAttributes": null,
      "userAddedLastName": null,
      "sysConfigPath": "_root:::part12::0::0",
      "productType": "Part",
      "ownerUserLastName": null,
      "quantity": 1,
      "dateModified": "2022-03-01T02:48:15.000Z",
      "partProps": {
        "Part Number": "part12",
        "Part Lead Time": "N/A",
        "Part Description": "",
        "Line BOM Display Name": "part12",
        "Part Type (Custom Field 9)": "100K Parts",
        "String (Custom Field 1)": "String",
        "String Filter (Custom Field 4)": "",
        "Float (Custom Field 5)": "0.0",
        "Float Filter (Custom Field 6)": "0.0",
        "Integer (Custom Field 7)": "0",
        "SSM (Custom Field 2)": "Value 1 Label",
        "SSM Filter (Custom Field 8)": "",
        "MSM (Custom Field 16)": "",
        "MSM Filter (Custom Field 17)": "",
        "Page Specific Label (Custom Field 3)": "",
        "Required String (Custom Field 10)": "Custom Field 10, part12",
        "Required SSM (Custom Field 11)": "Required value",
        "Custom Field 13": "Custom Field 13, part12",
        "Custom Field 14": "Custom Field 14, part12",
        "Custom Field 15": "Custom Field 15, part12",
        "Custom Field 18": "Custom Field 18, part12",
        "Custom Field 19": "Custom Field 19, part12",
        "Custom Field 20": "Custom Field 20, part12",
        "Custom Field 21": "Custom Field 21, part12",
        "Custom Field 22": "Custom Field 22, part12",
        "Custom Field 23": "Custom Field 23, part12",
        "Custom Field 24": "Custom Field 24, part12",
        "Custom Field 25": "Custom Field 25, part12",
        "Custom Field 26": "Custom Field 26, part12",
        "Custom Field 27": "Custom Field 27, part12",
        "Custom Field 30": "Custom Field 30, part12"
      "label": "Part",
      "parentId": 9100006903,
      "segmentName": null,
      "modelName": null,
      "supplierCompanyName": "abcCompany",
      "links": [{
          "rel": "self",
          "href": ""
        }, {
          "rel": "parent",
          "href": ""
    }, {
      "type": 3,
      "lineBomDisplayName": "part14",
      "ownerUserEmail": "",
      "dateAdded": "2022-03-01T02:45:00.000Z",
      "ownerUserFirstName": "John",
      "userAddedFirstName": "John",
      "prefCurrencyName": "US Dollar",
      "serialNumberDescription": null,
      "priceBook": {
        "variableName": "_default_price_book",
        "name": "Base Price",
        "links": [{
            "rel": "domain",
            "href": ""
          }, {
            "rel": "canonical",
            "href": ""
      "itemName": "part14",
      "prefLanguageName": "English",
      "price": {
        "value": 14.0,
        "currency": "USD"
      "id": 9100006908,
      "refName": "part14",
      "isMandatory": true,
      "serialNumber": null,
      "userModifiedLastName": null,
      "userModifiedFirstName": "John",
      "itemId": "8523099",
      "productLineName": null,
      "subType": 2,
      "status": 0,
      "supplierCompanyId": 4118171,
      "rootId": 9100006903,
      "typeSpecificAttrs": null,
      "configAttributes": null,
      "userAddedLastName": null,
      "sysConfigPath": "_root:::part12::0::0:::part14::0::0",
      "productType": "Part",
      "ownerUserLastName": null,
      "quantity": 1,
      "dateModified": "2022-03-01T02:48:15.000Z",
      "partProps": {
        "Part Number": "part14",
        "Part Lead Time": "N/A",
        "Part Description": "",
        "Line BOM Display Name": "part14",
        "Part Type (Custom Field 9)": "100K Parts",
        "String (Custom Field 1)": "String",
        "String Filter (Custom Field 4)": "",
        "Float (Custom Field 5)": "0.0",
        "Float Filter (Custom Field 6)": "0.0",
        "Integer (Custom Field 7)": "0",
        "SSM (Custom Field 2)": "Value 1 Label",
        "SSM Filter (Custom Field 8)": "",
        "MSM (Custom Field 16)": "",
        "MSM Filter (Custom Field 17)": "",
        "Page Specific Label (Custom Field 3)": "",
        "Required String (Custom Field 10)": "Custom Field 10, part14",
        "Required SSM (Custom Field 11)": "Required value",
        "Custom Field 13": "Custom Field 13, part14",
        "Custom Field 14": "Custom Field 14, part14",
        "Custom Field 15": "Custom Field 15, part14",
        "Custom Field 18": "Custom Field 18, part14",
        "Custom Field 19": "Custom Field 19, part14",
        "Custom Field 20": "Custom Field 20, part14",
        "Custom Field 21": "Custom Field 21, part14",
        "Custom Field 22": "Custom Field 22, part14",
        "Custom Field 23": "Custom Field 23, part14",
        "Custom Field 24": "Custom Field 24, part14",
        "Custom Field 25": "Custom Field 25, part14",
        "Custom Field 26": "Custom Field 26, part14",
        "Custom Field 27": "Custom Field 27, part14",
        "Custom Field 30": "Custom Field 30, part14"
      "label": "Part",
      "parentId": 9100006907,
      "segmentName": null,
      "modelName": null,
      "supplierCompanyName": "abcCompany",
      "links": [{
          "rel": "self",
          "href": ""
        }, {
          "rel": "parent",
          "href": ""
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