Searches Parts List



This operation is used to search parts based on Configuration attribute values. If account and user information is available in the authentication token, Eligibility Rules created on user and account attributes are applied.


Supported Media Types
Body ()
Root Schema : Part Search Collection Request Definitions
Type: object
Title: Part Search Collection Request Definitions
Show Source
Nested Schema : Part Search Context
Type: object
Title: Part Search Context
Context definition for part search.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Query Definition
Type: object
Title: Query Definition
Captures the query definition for the current resource request.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Commerce Data
Type: object
Title: Commerce Data
Transaction data for part search.
Show Source
  • Title: Cache Instance Id
    The unique identifier for the entry of transaction data stored in the cache. This typically is obtained from first createTransaction or OpenTransaction action to avoid reload transaction data from db.
  • Title: Currency Code
    The currencyCode value in which the attribute is represented
  • Title: Transaction Id
    Current Unique Buyside ID of the transaction.
  • MainDocument Data
    Title: MainDocument Data
    The transaction's main document data.
  • Process
    Title: Process
    The transaction's process meta-data.
Nested Schema : Config Data
Type: object
Title: Config Data
Config data for part search.
Show Source
Nested Schema : MainDocument Data
Type: object
Title: MainDocument Data
The transaction's main document data.
Show Source
  • Attributes
    Title: Attributes
    A set of key, value pairs with key being attribute's variableName and value being the value of the attribute.If its an msm, it can take list of values in items array.
  • Title: MainDocument Variable Name
    The variable name of the main document that the current transaction data belongs to.
Nested Schema : Process
Type: object
Title: Process
The transaction's process meta-data.
Show Source
  • Title: Process Variable Name
    The variable name of the process that the current transaction data belongs to.
Nested Schema : Attributes
Type: object
Title: Attributes
A set of key, value pairs with key being attribute's variableName and value being the value of the attribute.If its an msm, it can take list of values in items array.
Nested Schema : All Products
Type: object
Title: All Products
Holds attribute data that belong to all products
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  • Attributes
    Title: Attributes
    A set of key, value pairs with key being attribute's variableName and value being the value of the attribute.If its an msm, it can take list of values in items array.
Nested Schema : ConfiguratorDataDefinition
Type: object
Title: ConfiguratorDataDefinition
Holds configurator related data like variable name and attribute values
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  • Attributes
    Title: Attributes
    A set of key, value pairs with key being attribute's variableName and value being the value of the attribute.If its an msm, it can take list of values in items array.
  • The variableName of the configurator entity like segment,productLine,model
Nested Schema : actions
Type: array
Array of actions names, whose state is requested in the state object response.
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Nested Schema : childDefs
Type: array
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Nested Schema : expand
Type: array
Array of child resource names that you want to expand so that the contents return with the parent in the same request.
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Nested Schema : expandedDomains
Type: array
Array of field names, whose expanded domains are requested in the state object response.
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Nested Schema : fields
Type: array
Array of field names that you wanted returned in a request.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Child query criteria.
Type: object
Title: Child query criteria.
Captures the query criteria for the child resource.
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Part Search Collection Response Definitions
Type: object
Title: Part Search Collection Response Definitions
Show Source
Nested Schema : Part Collection Definitions
Type: object
Title: Part Collection Definitions
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Part Instance Definitions
Type: object
Title: Part Instance Definitions
Show Source
Nested Schema : Configurable Flag
Type: object
Title: Configurable Flag
Part Configurable Flag
Show Source
  • Title: Display Value
    Translated display name of the type for which fixed list of values can be defined.
  • Title: Id
    Primary Key of the fixed list of value resource.
  • Title: Lookup Code
    Language independent code of the fixed list of value.
Nested Schema : Direct Buy
Type: object
Title: Direct Buy
Determines how the part must be purchased.
Show Source
  • Title: Display Value
    Translated display name of the type for which fixed list of values can be defined.
  • Title: Id
    Primary Key of the fixed list of value resource.
  • Title: Lookup Code
    Language independent code of the fixed list of value.
Nested Schema : Product Status
Type: object
Title: Product Status
Status of the product
Show Source
  • Title: Display Value
    Translated display name of the type for which fixed list of values can be defined.
  • Title: Id
    Primary Key of the fixed list of value resource.
  • Title: Lookup Code
    Language independent code of the fixed list of value.
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The Search Parts REST API supports customizing the REST response by specifying an advanced query object (i.e. "q" criteria) as a request body parameter. This allows administrators to customize the query by specifying various combinations of criteria.

The following examples show how to search parts by submitting a POST request to the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl - X POST - i - H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQg" - H "Content-type: application/json"

Search Parts Using Configuration Context

This operation is used to search parts based on Configuration attribute values. If account and user information is available in the authentication token, Eligibility Rules created on user and account attributes are applied.

Request Body Sample

   "criteria": {
      "totalResults": true,
      "limit": 15,
      "offset": 0,
      "fields": ["partNumber", "_part_custom_field8", "_part_custom_field9", "_part_custom_field11", "_part_custom_field17", "directBuy", "units", "leadTime", "partDisplayNumber"],
      "q": "{\"partNumber\":{\"$like\": \"EligibilityForPartRESTAPICONFIGPart%\"}}"
   "context": {
      "pricebookVarName": "pricebook1",
      "config": {
         "allProducts": {
            "attributes": {
               "conditionsAllPF": "true"
         "segment": {
            "variableName": "testbed",
            "attributes": {
               "aVPMSMCheckboxesOther": {
                  "items": ["Value 1"]
         "productLine": {
            "variableName": "recommendedItems",
            "attributes": {
               "advancedCondition1": "true"
         "model": {
            "variableName": "performance",
            "attributes": {
               "numberOfLineItems": "50"

Search Parts Using Commerce Context

When an Eligibility Rule is based on a Commerce attribute and a Transaction is created with values that satisfy the Eligibility Rule, this operation is used to search for parts using Transaction data.

Request Body Sample

   "criteria": {
      "totalResults": true,
      "limit": 15,
      "offset": 0,
      "fields": ["partNumber", "_part_custom_field8", "_part_custom_field9", "_part_custom_field11", "_part_custom_field17", "directBuy", "units", "leadTime", "partDisplayNumber"],
      "q": "{\"partNumber\":{\"$like\": \"Basic Pricing 01\"}}"
   "context": {
      "pricebookVarName": "pricebook1",
      "commerce": {
         "id": "20587705"

Perform a Quick Key Search in Commerce

In a CPQ Transaction, Quick Key line items are used to add parts to a quote without navigating away from the Transaction page and to auto - suggest a part to aid in part selection.The Search Part REST API allows implementers to build similar functionality where the Quick Key part selector auto - populates with part numbers when users enter characters into an item field in the Line Item Grid.

Request Body Sample

   "context": {
      "pricebookVarName": "pricebook1",
      "commerce": {
         "id": "20516360",
         "cacheInstanceId": "3KR11zuA1UZzhlH2ohStrgwgRrlrYa9YbrSIY2OofoRPBbluv12MCYfm40Ag33nGP"
   "criteria": {
      "q": "{\"partNumber\":{$like: \"part2690%\", $options:\"I\"}}",
      "fields": ["partDisplayNumber", "partNumber"],
      "totalResults": true,
      "limit": 10,
      "offset": 0


  • If cacheInstanceId is present, the id and process data are ignored.
  • If cacheInstanceId is not present and id is present, the id is used.
  • If cacheInstanceId and id are not available, Commerce attribute values are passed.

Search List of Part Numbers

Used to filter a given list of parts. The list of parts is provided in the "q" parameter(concatenated with 'OR') of the criteria object.

Request Body Sample

   "context": {
      "pricebookVarName": "pricebook1",
      "commerce": {
         "id": "20104203"
   "criteria": {
      "q": "{ $or: [ { \"partNumber\": { $eq: \"part2690\" }}, { \"partNumber\": { $eq: \"part2691\" }} ] }"

Perform an Advanced Part Search

This operation is used to search for parts using a single or combination of multiple part fields with Eligibility Rules applied. The part search criteria supports operators based on field type.

Request Body Sample

Search parts based on a part custom field, such as an MSM field.As shown in the below example, any MSM field can be searched using the value attribute.

   "criteria": {
      "totalResults": true,
      "limit": 5,
      "offset": 0,
      "fields": ["_part_customfield16", "partNumber"],
      "q": "{$and:[{partNumber:\"EligibilityForPartRESTAPIPart3\"},{\"_part_customfield16.value\":{$ne:[\"Value 1\"]}}]}"
   "context": {
      "pricebookVarname": "pricebook1"
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