Update Price Model Linked to a Pricing Rule



Use this endpoint to update a price model linked to the specified pricing rule.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
Root Schema : PricingRuleModel
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: The Adjustment Type of price model
    Read Only: true
    Allowed Values: [ "discountPercent", "discountAmount", "markupPercent", "markupAmount" ]
    Adjustment Type.
  • Created By
    Title: Created By
    Read Only: true
    The details of the user who created the record.
  • Title: Date Added
    Read Only: true
    Creation Date of the Price Model to Pricing Rule link.
  • Title: Date Modified
    Read Only: true
    Last modified date of the Price Model to Pricing Rule link.
  • Title: Description
    Read Only: true
    The description of the linked Price Model.
  • Title: Dynamic Pricing Type
    Read Only: true
    Allowed Values: [ "static", "advanced", "volume", "tiered", "rateCard", "attributeBasedCharge" ]
    The type of dynamic pricing applied by the linked Price Model.
  • Title: Edit Restriction
    Read Only: true
    Pricing Edit Restriction.
  • Title: Has BOM Item
    Read Only: true
    Indicates whether this model has prices defined for BOM Items.
  • Title: Has Charge Support
    Read Only: true
    Indicates whether this model has charge support.
  • Last Modified By
    Title: Last Modified By
    Read Only: true
    The details of the user who modified the record.
  • Links
  • Title: The List Type for the price model
    Read Only: true
    Allowed Values: [ "priceList", "discountList", "advanced", "markupList" ]
    List Type.
  • Title: Name
    Read Only: true
    The name of the linked Price Model.
  • Title: Order Number
    The position(starting from 1) of the linked Price Model within the Pricing Rule.
  • Title: Linked Pricing Rules Count
    Read Only: true
    The count of pricing rules linked to this model.
  • Title: Value Type
    Read Only: true
    Allowed Values: [ "absolutePrice", "discountAmount", "discountPercent", "markupAmount", "markupPercent" ]
    The type of discount applied by the linked Price Model.
  • Title: Variable Name
    The Unique Variable Name of the linked Price Model.
Nested Schema : Created By
Title: Created By
Read Only: true
The details of the user who created the record.
Match All
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Nested Schema : Last Modified By
Title: Last Modified By
Read Only: true
The details of the user who modified the record.
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Nested Schema : UserDetails
Type: object
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The following examples show how to change the order number for the specified price model. by submitting a PATCH request to the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl - X PATCH - i - H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQg" - H "Content-type: application/json"

Request Body Sample

  "orderNumber": "5"
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