Get All Products



Use this endpoint to retrieve all CPQ products.


Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
  • Restrict which fields shall be returned. The value is a comma delimited string and each token is a field name.
  • The requested page size, which limits the number of elements the collection should max return.
  • The offset of the page. By default, offset is 0, which means first page will be returned.
  • Specifies a comma-separated list of pairs to order the response by.
  • Allows to specify one or more filtering criteria. By default, no filtering is applied.
  • Specifies that the total count of records should be included in the response when doing pagination.
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Product Collection Definitions
Type: object
Title: Product Collection Definitions
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Product Instance Definitions
Type: object
Title: Product Instance Definitions
Show Source
Nested Schema : Product Type
Type: object
Title: Product Type
Type of The Product
Show Source
  • Title: Display Value
    Translated display name of the type for which fixed list of values can be defined.
  • Title: Id
    Primary Key of the fixed list of value resource.
  • Title: Lookup Code
    Language independent code of the fixed list of value.
Nested Schema : Status
Type: object
Title: Status
Workflow status of this product
Show Source
  • Title: Display Value
    Translated display name of the type for which fixed list of values can be defined.
  • Title: Id
    Primary Key of the fixed list of value resource.
  • Title: Lookup Code
    Language independent code of the fixed list of value.
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The following example shows how to retrieve a list of CPQ products by submitting a GET request to the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl -X GET -i -H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQg" -H "Accept: application/json"{"$and":[{"productType":{"$eq":"Part", "$options":"I"}}]}"

Response Body Sample

  "offset": 0,
  "limit": 5,
  "count": 5,
  "hasMore": true,
  "links": [{
      "rel": "canonical",
      "href": ""
    }, {
      "rel": "next",
      "href": ""
    }, {
      "rel": "self",
      "href": ""
  "items": [{
      "productIdentifier": "PART_MFG-PLG-PROD4",
      "modelPath": null,
      "description": null,
      "label": "shelf life and generation parent and child",
      "bomItemVariableName": null,
      "model": null,
      "partNumber": "MFG-PLG-PROD4",
      "id": 37805108,
      "productType": {
        "displayValue": "Part",
        "lookupCode": "0",
        "links": [{
            "rel": "domain",
            "href": ""
      "status": {
        "displayValue": "Created",
        "lookupCode": "ORA_CREATED",
        "links": [{
            "rel": "domain",
            "href": ""
    }, {
      "productIdentifier": "PART_A60",
      "modelPath": null,
      "description": "License/Applications/ERP Applications/Oracle ERP Applications/Order Management/iStore/eCommerce Business Intelligence",
      "label": "eCommerce Business Intelligence",
      "bomItemVariableName": null,
      "model": null,
      "partNumber": "A60",
      "id": 37641084,
      "productType": {
        "displayValue": "Part",
        "lookupCode": "0",
        "links": [{
            "rel": "domain",
            "href": ""
      "status": {
        "displayValue": "Created",
        "lookupCode": "ORA_CREATED",
        "links": [{
            "rel": "domain",
            "href": ""
    }, {
      "productIdentifier": "PART_STL",
      "modelPath": null,
      "description": "License/Database Technology/Database and Collaboration/Applications and Systems Management/Application Testing/Load Testing for Web Applications Controller/e-Load Professional Option: Generic Data Parser ServerStats",
      "label": "e-Load Professional Option: Generic Data Parser ServerStats",
      "bomItemVariableName": null,
      "model": null,
      "partNumber": "STL",
      "id": 37649152,
      "productType": {
        "displayValue": "Part",
        "lookupCode": "0",
        "links": [{
            "rel": "domain",
            "href": ""
      "status": {
        "displayValue": "Created",
        "lookupCode": "ORA_CREATED",
        "links": [{
            "rel": "domain",
            "href": ""
    }, {
      "productIdentifier": "PART_RT00005",
      "modelPath": null,
      "description": null,
      "label": "Washing Detergent Powder w/bleach 117oz",
      "bomItemVariableName": null,
      "model": null,
      "partNumber": "RT00005",
      "id": 37278894,
      "productType": {
        "displayValue": "Part",
        "lookupCode": "0",
        "links": [{
            "rel": "domain",
            "href": ""
      "status": {
        "displayValue": "Created",
        "lookupCode": "ORA_CREATED",
        "links": [{
            "rel": "domain",
            "href": ""
    }, {
      "productIdentifier": "PART_MFG-PLG-PROD3",
      "modelPath": null,
      "description": null,
      "label": "User defined exp and generation at parent",
      "bomItemVariableName": null,
      "model": null,
      "partNumber": "MFG-PLG-PROD3",
      "id": 37805109,
      "productType": {
        "displayValue": "Part",
        "lookupCode": "0",
        "links": [{
            "rel": "domain",
            "href": ""
      "status": {
        "displayValue": "Created",
        "lookupCode": "ORA_CREATED",
        "links": [{
            "rel": "domain",
            "href": ""
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