Get Single Sign-On Properties



This endpoint is used to retrieve SSO properties.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Single Sign-On Configuration properties.
Body ()
Root Schema : sso-getResponse
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Identity Provider Certificate
    Identity Provider Certificate
  • Title: SAML Requested Name Identifier Format
    Each IDP supports different NameID formats, which can be found in the IDP configuration. If the field is left blank, the setting defaults to using the transient format.
  • Title: SAML User ID Attribute Name
    When the 'idLocationAttribute' option is selected, the Attribute Name field appears. Enter the value that contains the User ID.
  • Title: SAML Identity Provider URL
    SAML Identity Provider URL
  • Title: SAML Issuer URL
    Oracle CPQ Issuer URL
  • Title: SAML Logout URL
    When an Oracle CPQ user is logged out (via a session timeout, or by the user manually logging out), the user will be redirected to the SAML Logout URL. If a SAML Logout URL is not defined, the user will land on the CPQ login screen after being logged out.
  • Title: Require Signed Request
    Require Signed Request, allowed values: 'true', 'false'. A signed request is a message sent from an applicant to a certificate authority to apply for a digital identity certificate. This helps establish a level of trust to ensure when CPQ makes a request to an IDP, the IDP can verify that it is actually CPQ, and not an attacker disguised as CPQ. When 'true' the Request Keystore StorePass and Request Keystore KeyPass SAML requests are provided to the IDP.
  • Title: SAML Request Keystore
    SAML Request Keystore
  • Title: SAML Single Logout Endpoint
    SAML Single Logout Endpoint
  • Title: SAML Single Logout Response Endpoint
    SAML Single Logout Response Endpoint
  • Title: SAML User ID Location
    The SAML user Id location specifies in which of two locations in the assertion a user will be identified. In the or in an , for the specified of the assertion. Allowed values: 'idLocationSubject' and 'idLocationAttribute'.
  • Title: SAML User ID Type
    The SAML user Id type specifies which of two identifiers an assertion contains when being sent to CPQ: The users CPQ username or an External ID from the User Object. Allowed values: 'assertionTypeUsername' and 'assertionTypeExternal'.
  • Title: Single Sign-On Method
    Single Sign-On Method, allowed methods: None, Federated Authentication, Remote Webservices, and Federated and Remote.
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The following example shows how to retrieve an SSO configuration by submitting a GET request to the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl - X GET - i - H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQg" - H "Content-type: application/json"

Response Body Sample

  "ssoMethod": "Federated and Remote",
  "samlIssuerUrl": "BigMachines Issuer URL value",
  "idProviderCertificate": "base64encodecertvalue",
  "samlNeedRequestSigned": "true",
  "samlRequestKeyStore": "base64encodedcertvalue",
  "requestedNameIdentifierFormat": "identifier format value",
  "samlIdpUrl": "identity provided url value",
  "samlLogoutUrl": "logout url",
  "samlSingleLogoutEndpoint": "logout endpoint",
  "samlSingleLogoutResponseEndpoint": "logout response endpoint",
  "samlUserIdType": "assertionTypeUsername",
  "samlUserIdLocation": "idLocationAttribute",
  "samlAttributeName": "AttributeValue"
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