Enable the Quotes UI Elements

Use the Structure page to enable the UI elements of the quotes integration.

The classic Sales UI elements include:

  • The Quotes and Orders icon on the springboard
  • The Quotes and Orders link in the Navigator
  • The Quotes and Orders landing page

Salespeople click Quotes and Orders in the Navigator or springboard to launch the Quotes and Orders landing page. The quotes landing page shows a salesperson's list of relevant quotes, based on the default search. Salespeople can search for quotes from the quotes landing page or from the global search.

To enable the Quotes and Orders UI elements:

  1. Sign in as the sales administrator or as a setup user.
  2. Activate a sandbox.
  3. Navigate to Configuration > Structure.
  4. In the Navigation Configuration page, select Quotes and Orders in the Sales section.
  5. In the Edit Page Entry: Quotes and Orders page, select Yes for the Show on Navigator and Show on Springboard options.
  6. Click Save and Close.
  7. Publish the sandbox according to your company's business practices.

Enable Quotes by User Role

You can enable access to quotes by user role. Enable the Quotes and Orders icon for each user role using the Structure page. See the related topics for more information.