Enter the Integration User Credentials

Here's how you enter the Oracle Sales (CRM) integration user credentials:

  1. Sign in to Oracle CPQ as a superuser.
  2. Go to Administration Platform > Integration Platform > Integration Center.
  3. Open the CRM tab from the sidebar. If no integration exists already for Fusion in CRM, then create one by linking to the Fusion connector. If one already exists, then skip to step 4.
    Note: To create a new CRM integration, see Oracle Fusion CRM Integration.
  4. Enter the sign-in information and password for the Sales user you identified earlier in the Customer Relationship Management credentials page.
  5. Click Save.

Configure Product Hub User Credentials

  1. Sign into Oracle CPQ as a superuser.
  2. Go to My Profile > User Integration. The Partner Info page appears with the PIM tab.
  3. In the PIM tab, enter credentials for the integration user. These details will be used to sync products to the Product Hub.