Set Up Revenue Reconciliation

Users can mark individual quotes that are part of an opportunity as “active” from the Quotes and Orders tab in Sales. Activating a quote triggers a revenue reconciliation event that synchronizes the quote lines on the selected quote with the revenue lines on the parent opportunity.

To allow your users to activate a quote from Sales and thereby trigger the reconciliation of revenue lines from the quote lines, follow these steps:

  1. Enable the profile option, ORA_MOO_REVN_RECONCILE_FROM_SO.

  2. Set the reconcile option for quote lines to Root or Part.

  3. Optionally, review the opportunity lock time during the reconciliation process.

Enable the Profile Option

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for and select the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

  2. Search for the profile option code, ORA_MOO_REVN_RECONCILE_FROM_SO. The default value of Site is set to No.

  3. Change the profile value to Yes and save the changes.

  4. Sign in again for the changes to take effect.

Set the Reconcile Option for Quote Lines Once for All

Typically, you have two kinds of reconcile options for the quote lines: Root and Part. Decide which option suits your needs. See Plan Your Implementation.

Note: Once decided, don’t change your reconcile option. If you change it, you lose all of the previous data.
  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and search for the Manage Oracle CX Sales to Oracle CPQ Cloud Integration task.
  2. Under the Revenue Reconcile Option column, select Root or Part.

  3. Save and close the task.

  4. Sign in again for the changes to take effect.

Optional: Review Opportunity Lock During Reconciliation

When a user selects a quote as active, the sales application triggers the reconciliation of revenue lines from quote lines. During this time, the opportunity is locked, so that the user doesn’t accidentally change anything. By default, this lock is set for 120 seconds. If the reconciliation process takes longer than 120 seconds, then the lock continues for the next 120 seconds, and so on, until the reconciliation process ends.

The ORA_MOO_OPTY_LOCK_RELEASE profile option controls this lock time. Here are the steps to change the default time:

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance and search for the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
  2. Search for the profile option code, ORA_MOO_OPTY_LOCK_RELEASE. The default value of Site is set to 120.

  3. Enter a new value at the site level and save the changes.

  4. Sign in again for the change to take effect.