Set Up the Close Action

You've configured various actions in Sales to create and open quotes in Oracle CPQ. Now let's configure the actions in Oracle CPQ that return the users back to Sales. And, you might want to hide links to certain pages.

Set Up the Close Action High-Level Steps

Here are the high-level steps to set up the Close action:

  1. Set Up the Close Action Destination
  2. Set Up the Close Action DestinationSet Up the Close Action Destination
  3. Launch the Oracle CPQ Page in an iFrame
  4. Set up the Close Action Integrations

Set Up the Close Action Destination

The Close action is a commerce action that salespeople use to close the Oracle CPQ window and return to Sales. This action has a destination setting that triggers a navigation event in the browser. This action also triggers the integrations that update the Sales quote and quote lines as the salespeople complete their quoting sessions.

Here are the steps to set up the Close action's destination:

  1. Go to Administration Platform > Commerce and Documents > Process Definition.
  2. In the Navigation list, ensure that Documents is selected, and click List.
  3. If your Oracle CPQ site is provisioned with the Oracle Sales Reference Application, you might find a Return to CX Sales action already defined.
  4. Select the Destination tab.
  5. Select the Close Parent window option.
  6. Click Update.

Launch the Oracle CPQ Page in an iFrame

Important: Oracle recommends launching the Oracle CPQ page in an iFrame.
Here are the steps to set the Oracle CPQ General Site Option to launch the Oracle CPQ page in an iFrame:
  1. Go to Administration Platform > General > General Site Options.
  2. In the Options-General section, set Occupy entire window when the site is inside a frame to No.

    If you want Oracle CPQ to open in a full window (by setting this value to Yes), you must change the commerce library function OSC Return to Sales Cloud with the correct Sales host URLs integrating the Oracle CPQ site. Then, you must associate that function with the Close action. This function is provided in the Oracle Sales Reference Application.

  3. Click Update.

Set up the Close Action Integrations

Here are the steps to set up the Close action’s integrations:

  1. Go to Administration Platform > Commerce and Documents > Process Definition.
  2. In the Navigation list, ensure that Documents is selected, and click List.
  3. If your Oracle CPQ site is provisioned with the Oracle Sales Reference Application, you might find a Return to CX Sales action already defined.
  4. Select the Integration tab.
  5. Review the integrations and verify that these integrations are selected and sequenced in the order shown in this table:
    Integration Description
    Apply Modify Functions

    Runs the modifications defined on the Modify tab, as well as the Advanced Modify functions for this action. This is a default action that can't be removed, but it should be at the top of the sequence.

    Upsert Quote Creates or updates the Sales quote or sales order for the latest values from the Oracle CPQ transaction.
    Export Lines

    Creates or updates the Sales quote line items with the products and prices of the transaction lines from the Oracle CPQ transaction.

    Line Sync Complete Indicates to Sales that the synchronization of all lines for the quote has completed; triggers revenue reconciliation.
  6. Click Update.
  7. Deploy the changes: Deploy your changes.