Set Up the Open Transaction Action

The Open Transaction action runs every time a quote is opened. This action can run integrations that refresh the transaction with changes that have occurred in Sales since it was last viewed.

Here are the steps to set up the Open Transaction action:

  1. Go to Administration Platform > Commerce and Documents > Process Definition.
  2. In the Navigation list, select Process Actions, and click List.
  3. Click the Open Transaction link in the Action Name column.
  4. Click the Integration tab.
  5. Review the integrations and verify that the Apply Modify Functions integration is selected. This integration runs the modifications defined on the Modify tab, as well as the Advanced Modify functions for this action. This is a default action, and it can't be removed. It should be at the top of the sequence.
  6. Click Update.
  7. Deploy the changes. See: Deploy the Changes.