Set Up the Opportunity Import Integration

The Opportunity Import integration calls the Oracle Sales REST Opportunity service to get details for the opportunity. These details are then saved on the transaction.

Here are the steps to set up the Opportunity Import:

  1. Go to Administration Platform > Commerce and Documents > Process Definition.

  2. From the Navigation list for a commerce process, select Integrations, and click List.

  3. If your Oracle CPQ site was provisioned with the Oracle Sales Reference Application, you should find an Opportunity Import integration already defined. Click the link for OSC Opp Import or a similar link.

  4. Review or update the fields in the Integration Information region:

    • Name: The name for the integration.

    • Variable Name: A unique identifier for the integration.

      Caution: You can't change the Variable Name after creating this integration.
    • Description: The description of this integration.

    • Timeout: If you don't enter a value, the application defaults to 12000 milliseconds.

    • ID field: This points to the attribute that stores the Opportunity identifier on the transaction; typically, this is transaction.opportunityNumber_t.
      Important: There is a similar setting on the Commerce Main Doc (Transaction) Admin Page called Opportunity Id Mapping that takes precedence over this setting in the integration admin. Be sure to either blank out the Main Doc setting or ALSO change that value to transaction.opportunityNumber_t.
  5. Complete the fields in the End Points section.

    • Metadata URL: Enter the endpoint to retrieve the metadata about the Sales attributes available for mapping in this integration. For the standard opportunity import integration, the value is: /crmRestApi/resources/

    • Integration URL: Enter the endpoint that gets the import opportunity request. For example: /crmRestApi/resources/{optyNumber} where {optyNumber} is the placeholder for the opportunity number to be used for import.

    • Integration Request Headers: These are the headers to be passed in the request to the integration endpoint. Header parameters are not required for this integration.

  6. Review the Response Mapping for the REST integration by clicking the Edit button. These mappings show the Opportunity fields that are pulled into CPQ.

    In preconfigured sites, a set of standard fields are mapped; see Opportunity Import Attribute Mappings. To include custom fields, you must modify the attribute map accordingly. See Edit Attribute Mappings.

    Note: When you save your edits, the Attribute Mapping page validates your mappings to ensure that there are compatible data types.
  7. Click Update.

  8. Deploy the changes. See: Deploy your changes.

Opportunity Import Attribute Mappings

The standard attribute mappings for the Opportunity Import integration are:

Sales Attribute Display Name

Sales Attribute Variable Name

CPQ Attribute Name

CPQ Variable Name (Type)



Opportunity Name

opportunityName_t (text)

Opportunity ID


Opportunity ID

opportunityID_t (text)



OSC Owner Resource Party ID

oRCL_OSC_OwnerResourcePartyID_t (text)

Business Unit ID


OSC Primary Org ID

oRCL_OSC_PrimaryOrgID_t (text)