Set Up the Upsert Quote Integration

The Upsert Quote integration calls the Oracle Sales REST Sales Orders service to send details from the Oracle CPQ transaction header to Sales.

Here's how you set up the Upsert Quote Integration:

  1. Go to Administration Platform > Commerce and Documents > Process Definition.

  2. From the Navigation list for the Commerce Process, select Integrations, and click List.

  3. If your Oracle CPQ site is provisioned with the Oracle Sales Reference Application, you may find a Quote Upsert integration already defined. Click the link for OSC - Upsert Quote or a similar link.

  4. Review or update the fields in the Integration Information region:

    • Name: The name for the integration.

    • Variable Name: A unique identifier for the integration.

      Caution: You can't change the Variable Name after you have created this integration.
    • Description: The description of this integration.

    • Timeout: If you don't enter a value, the application defaults it to 5000 milliseconds.

    • ID Field This is used to indicate the attribute that stores the integration object’s ID on the Oracle CPQ transaction. However, in this REST integration, the Oracle Sales Quote ID is submitted as part of the request mapping. As a result, typically, this value will be: transaction.none.

  5. Complete the fields in the End Points section:

    • MetaData URL: Enter the endpoint to retrieve the metadata about the Sales attributes available for mapping for this integration. For the standard quote upsert integration, the value is: /crmRestApi/resources/

    • Integration URL: Enter the endpoint that gets the quote upsert request. For example: /crmRestApi/resources/

    • Integration Request Headers: Enter the headers to be passed in the request to the above integration endpoint. For the standard quote upsert integration, the value is: Upsert-Mode:true.

  6. Review the Request Mapping for the REST integration by clicking the Edit button. These mappings show the quote attributes that will be pushed to Sales. In preconfigured sites, a set of standard fields are mapped; see Upsert Quote Attribute Mappings. To include custom fields, you must modify the attribute map accordingly. See Edit Attribute Mappings.

    Note: When you save your edits, the Attribute Mapping page validates your mappings to assure compatible data types.
  7. Click Update.

  8. Deploy the changes. See: Deploy your changes.

Upsert Quote Attribute Mappings

This table describes standard attribute mappings for the Upsert Quote integration Request:

Sales Attribute Display Name Sales Attribute Variable Name CPQ Attribute Display Name CPQ Attribute Variable Name (Type)
ID OrderHeaderId OSC Transaction ID oRCL_OSC_TransactionID_t (text)
Reference Code ExternalSystemReferenceCode Transaction Source System transactionSourceSystem_t (text)
External Host Name ExternalHostName Supplier's Company Name _system_supplier_company_name (text)
CPQ Process Name ExternalProcessName Current Process Name _system_process_name (text)
Reference Number ExternalReferenceNumber Current Unique Buy-Side ID _system_buyside_id (text)
Quote ID ExternalQuoteNumber Transaction Number transactionID_t (text)
Version VersionNumber Version Number version_number_versionTransaction_t (text)
Name Name Transaction Name transactionName_t (text)
Owner Owner Owner owner_t (text)
Total Nonrecurring Revenue TotalNonRecurringRevenue Total NRR (Net) totalOneTimeNetAmount_t (currency)
Contract Start Date ContractStartDate Contract Start Date contractStartDate_t (date)
Contract End Date ContractEndDate Contract End Date contractEndDate_t (date)
Total Recurring Revenue TotalRecurringRevenue Total Recurring Revenue (Net) totalRecurRevenue_t (currency)
Total Usage Revenue TotalUsageRevenue Total Usage Revenue (Net) totalUsageRevenue_t (currency)
Total Contract Value OrderTotal Total Contract Value (Net) totalContractValue_t (currency)
Total Monthly Recurring Revenue TotalMonthlyRecurringRevenue Total MRR (Net) totalMonthlyNetAmount_t (currency)
Total Monthly Usage Revenue TotalMonthlyUsageRevenue Total MUR (Net) totalMonthlyUsageRev_t (currency)
Proposal ProposalExistFlag Proposal Exists proposalExists_t (boolean)
Win Status WinStatusCode OSC Status oRCL_OSC_Status_t (text)
Currency CurrencyCode Currency _system_current_document_currency_pref (text)
Status Status Status status_t (text)
Valid To Date ExpirationDate Price Expiration Date priceExpirationDate_t (date)
Opportunity ID OptyId Opportunity ID opportunityID_t (text)
Customer ID SoldCustomerPartyId Customer ID _customer_id (this is displayed as _transaction_customer_id in mapping UI) (text)

This table describes standard attribute mappings for the Upsert Quote integration Response:

Sales Attribute Display Name Sales Attribute Display Name CPQ Attribute Name CPQ Variable Name (Type)
ID OrderHeaderId OSC Transaction ID oRCL_OSC_TransactionID_t (text)