Import Third Party Geography Data Using Import Management

You can import Oracle-licensed Loqate data, shipped with the application, for those countries where the data is available. If the licensed data isn't available or is already set up for a particular country, then the Import Geography Data action is disabled.

In case the licensed data isn't available for a particular country, you must license geography data from another supplier and import it from a file.

Import Country Structures Using Import Management

A country structure is a hierarchical grouping of geography types for a country. For example, the geography structure for the United States has the geography type of State at the top, followed by the County, then the City, and finally the Postal Code.

You must import country structures before importing geographies. You can use the country structure to set up the following:

  • The relationships between geographies within a country

  • The types of geographies that you can define for a country

For more information, see the Import Your Country Structure Data topic of the Understanding Import and Export Management for CX Sales and B2B Service guide available on Also see the related links on importing country structures.

Import Geographies Using Import Management

A geography is any region with a boundary around it, regardless of its size. It might be a state, a country, a city, a county, or a ward. You must create or import geographies before you can associate them with company defined zones and addresses. For more information, see the Import Your Geography Data topic of the Understanding Import and Export Management for CX Sales and B2B Service guide available on Also see the related links on importing geographies.