Key Customer Data Management Profile Options

Here's a table that lists some important Customer Data Management profile options, along with their names, descriptions and default values.

Profile Option Name

Profile Option Definition


Default Value


Data Cleansing Process Batch Size

The transaction batch size for the data cleansing process. Set this value based on available system resources.



Resolution Request Type Default

The default request type for the duplicate resolution requests.



Duplicate Identification Process Batch Size

The transaction batch size for the duplicate identification process. It's used to group records in the batch and process each group in a loop as a separate transaction.



User Merge Requests

The processing options for merge requests. This option applies only for merge requests submitted from FUSE UI or EUM UI in Enter Merge Request setup task.

Unspecified (NULL)


Survivorship Enabled

The option to enable survivorship rules for duplicate resolution.



Auto Link Threshold

The threshold for auto link. Data stewards review link requests with lower scores.



Auto Merge Threshold

The threshold for auto merge. Data stewards review merge requests with lower scores.



Duplicate Set Record Number

The maximum number of records in a duplicate set that can be automatically converted to duplicate resolution requests.



Exact Account Name Match

This option controls the display of duplicate accounts based on an exact name match when no duplicate accounts were found from data quality configuration.



Exact Contact Name Match

This option controls the display of duplicate contacts based on an exact name match when no duplicate contacts were found from data quality configuration.



Duplicate Account Notification

This option controls whether the UI that shows notifications for duplicate accounts should be enabled or not.

This option is available only if you have Oracle Fusion Data Quality.



Duplicate Contact Notification

This option controls whether the UI that shows notifications for duplicate contacts should be enabled or not.

This option is available only if you have Oracle Fusion Data Quality.



Optimized Mode Enabled

Enable the optimized mode for merge to prevent the triggering of non-essential business events.


You must consider the following point while setting the values of the Customer Hub profile options:

  • The profile option User Merge Requests is set to Unspecified (NULL) by default. You can set the following values for this profile option:

    • Allow Processing Without Approval: Merge requests are processed immediately without approval by the data steward.

    • Process Subject to Approval: Merge requests are reviewed by the data steward, who can decide to approve or not.

    • Unspecified: Merge requests are processed immediately without data steward approval. This indicates that the Customer Hub isn't configured. The option is enabled only if the user has the Submit Trading Community Merge Request and Enter Trading Community Merge Request privileges.

  • Data stewards must review merge requests initiated from the Simplified UI, Enter Merge Request setup task, Automerge web service, or the Duplicate Resolution Request web service. Data stewards can review merge requests only if the profile option User Merge Requests is set to Process Subject to Approval, else the merge requests returns an error.

  • Auto Link Threshold is set to 0 by default, which means auto link never occurs automatically. Maximum auto merge threshold is 100, which means unless there is a 100 percent match, there is no auto merge. You need to change the threshold based on customer implementation.