What are the Master Record Selection settings?

Controls the method used to identify which record in a duplicate set becomes the master during a merge.

The options are:

  • Select master record using survivorship rule: Logic configured with Oracle business rules using the Manage Survivorship Rules setup task determines the master.

  • Select the oldest record as master: The record with the earliest creation date is the master.

  • Select the latest record as master: With the most recent creation date is the master.

  • Select master based on duplicate identification results: Internal logic of the duplication identification process determines the master.

  • Select master record using Data Quality Rules: Logic configured with Application Composer Data Quality Rules determines the master.

Consider these points:

  • The Select the older record as master and Select the latest record as master options use optimized internal processes and may offer the best performance.

  • Master Record Selection can't be survivorship rule or Data Quality Rules if the Merge Scope has been set to Customer data management specific areas with restrictions.

  • The Duplicate Identification batch process identifies a preliminary master record, but the final determination of master record occurs within duplicate resolution processing per the Master Record Selection Setting. Select the Select master based on duplicate identification results option if you want to retain the master record selection from the duplicate identification results.